
Black Leaves Matter

In my older post, 'All the Leaves are Brown':
Plans for the study come after a 2019 report from Campaign to Protect Rural England, which found that people from ethnic minority backgrounds account for around one per cent of visitors to England’s national parks.
It was concluded that the countryside is terribly racist and would benefit from being visited by a lot more dark skinned folk 

This morning I paid a visit to Julia's place, and discovered that there has since been some excellent work in redressing the balance. The countryside is now much more diverse and enriched

Moment huge brawl erupts at Dovedale stepping stones beauty spot as people hurl large sticks at each other
The description 'People' may well be pushing it a bit. There's a lovely video to accompany the Daily Mail article

So well done 'The Left', you've managed to turn the countryside into a medieval shithole. This is what the Campaign to protect Rural England, thinks protecting Rural England means. If they really wanted to protect rural England, they would be campaigning to keep out the backward scum who turn everything into shit

Not inviting them in while calling the normal folks of rural England, racists


The Jannie said...

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