
Queue up

I wrote this post a while back about people forming an orderly queue for service at a bar in Manchester Airport Terminal 3. Having worked in pubs for many years, it was unusual to see such activity.
At the time we just put it down to habits picked up during covid
On our holiday last week, we flew from Terminal 1, which has two bars, The Grain Loft and Bar McR
We used to go in The Grain Loft most often, as it's the biggest one and the best chance of getting some kick arse seats, but since covid, you have to wait to be seated and you have to order via an app, you can't go up to the bar
We arrived at the airport early and it wasn't too busy, so I was looking at where we might get seats and the Mrs pointed out Bar McR and the fact that people were still walking up to the bar and paying cash, so we went there
I got us a couple of drinks and we sat down. The airport started getting progressivly busier, then Mrs B pointed my attention to the bar. A very orderly queue had formed from one end. It was from right at the end of the bar, too, so there was plenty of open bar for people to just walk up to if they wanted to

That's two Manchester Airport terminals where we've now witnessed this unusual phenomenon

I don't think I like it