I've got one of those health MOTs today
The doctors just messaged me in the week and invited me in.
I know a few people don't like these, as they don't like doctors getting all righteous about their lifestyle habits, but I seem to be with a decent surgery, and in the past, they've just taken their samples and asked their questions without judgement
At my age, I really don't mind mind having the odd check up to make sure everything is ticking over as it should be, and if they get a bit too personal, I can always tell them to shush
Besides, it's the only MOT I can pass these days
"Is your house warm enough? Can you afford to heat it?"
She asked me if I smoke, drink or eat red meat; when I said no to all three (and ‘yes’ to a lot of walking as exercise), she looked somewhat baffled, then said, ‘Er….I don’t think there’s anything I can say to you then’.
(The follow-up cholesterol test result set alarm bells ringing, though, all red printed figures and ‘see a dietician about a low-cholesterol diet and speak to your doctor about statins’.
When I actually crunched the numbers myself, I was ‘over’ by O.1 mmol/L - well within the acceptable margin for error and bang on the level associated with lowest mortality rates in a Finnish study - so I ignored it and they haven’t bothered me since.)
@Stonyground @ Macheath - I was told my cholesterol is slightly high. I was also told they've recently lowered the upper limit of what is considered high
No discussions about statins and stuff though, just pointed it out
Also no talks about smoking or booze, although when I estimated the number of units I drink per week at 30, she told me the recommended maximum number is 14.
I said, "Humph, may as well have a brew", and she really turned her nose up at that
So it looks like I'm going to live a while longer
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