
MOT Time

I've got one of those health MOTs today
The doctors just messaged me in the week and invited me in.
I know a few people don't like these, as they don't like doctors getting all righteous about their lifestyle habits, but I seem to be with a decent surgery, and in the past, they've just taken their samples and asked their questions without judgement

At my age, I really don't mind mind having the odd check up to make sure everything is ticking over as it should be, and if they get a bit too personal, I can always tell them to shush
Besides, it's the only MOT I can pass these days


A K Haart said...

For oldies they could ask some politically awkward questions -

"Is your house warm enough? Can you afford to heat it?"

Bucko said...

Can you afford enough fags and beer?

Macheath said...

The last one of these I had was done by a nurse who would easily have made two of me.

She asked me if I smoke, drink or eat red meat; when I said no to all three (and ‘yes’ to a lot of walking as exercise), she looked somewhat baffled, then said, ‘Er….I don’t think there’s anything I can say to you then’.

(The follow-up cholesterol test result set alarm bells ringing, though, all red printed figures and ‘see a dietician about a low-cholesterol diet and speak to your doctor about statins’.
When I actually crunched the numbers myself, I was ‘over’ by O.1 mmol/L - well within the acceptable margin for error and bang on the level associated with lowest mortality rates in a Finnish study - so I ignored it and they haven’t bothered me since.)

Anonymous said...

I get regular check ups because I'm a T2 diabetic. At the last one my cholesterol level was flagged and I got the strokes, heart attacks and statins talk. I wear a sports watch which has a built in heart rate monitor. My average resting heart rate is 52bpm. I can swim 2.2k in under an hour without going much over 130bpm and do pyramid sets, sprints of different lengths with a minute in between, and struggle to get much above 140bpm for most of the time. I think that I'll be OK.