
Storm Bucko

I remember a joke about some chap ringing the Met office and asking how much it would cost to have a hurricane named after his mother in law

It's always been a thing that storms and such, are named after people, but to me, there seems to be a lot more of them about. The news always seems to be awash with stories of the latest storm that is going to batter this and swamp that. I left home for work this morning and it was chucking it down. Storm Debby or Dora or something

To me though, it just seemed like normal winter weather. No batterings or swampings, just cold, windy and bloody wet

Maybe it's my memory that's at fault. Help me out here

It seems to me we're having the same bad weather we've always had, but the media is classing a lot more normal weather cycles as storms
It could be we've always had this many storms, nothing has changed and my memory is starting to fail me
It could also be that we're having a lot more storms due to climate change and we need to get rid of our cars, boilers and cookers. Just kidding, you know I don't believe that one

Owing to the fact that I'm only pushing 48, I would be more inclined to blame the media for inventing storms when it's really just normal bad weather, than I would be to blame my memory of the weather in years past

I don't know know though. The amount of times I forget why I'm upstairs...


A K Haart said...

Bucko said...

The Jannie said...

johnd2008 said...

Bucko said...

Stonyground said...

Bucko said...