
England vs Greece 1-0

Still engoying the hot Greek sun over here, but we've also tried to be productive during our time. We're still looking to buy a house over here, so we've been in touch with a couple of estate agents and found a couple of local prospects wich we decided to take the opportunity of viewing

The first estate agent, Corfu Home Finders, is owned and run by an English woman who has been here thirty years. I filled in the online contact form and got a phone call before I had the chance to make a brew.
She arranged to pick us up from our apartment at 13:30 that day, came and collected us, took us to the house and brought us back
Unfortunately, this house was far too big. As we're looking for a renovation project, it would be pointless buying one that's too big for us, even if it is a good price, because the costs to do it up would be too much.
She has emailed us some other prospects which we can look at on our own and let her know if we are intersted in seeing any
The seond estate agent, Property 4u, is greek. I contacted them by email, but it turns our the sales guy is one of those who are obsessed with WhatsApp. I had to email him my number so he could send me the details of the property by WhatsApp, for reasons I can't fathom
We had to stay in contact with him by WhatsApp, which is fine if you have internet, but not so good if you're out walking
He sent me a voice message by WhatsApp confirming that he would collect us from our apartment at 15:00 the following day. He also requested our GPS location through WhatsApp, which I sent
We waited until 16:00 for our pick up, but them he called me, WhatsApp again, to ask where I was as he was at the property waiting for us
He said he thought we were supposed to meet him there in our car, after I said we had no transport and he agrees by message to pick us up and even requested our location. He then told me he would contact me another day to re-arrange the appointment
So, with time on our hands, we walked down the road to a small bar and ordered some beers and food. While we were waiting for that, he WhatsApp phoned me again to say he was at out apartment, but we weren't there. Good grief. I told him we were down the road having a beer
Next thing, he pulled up outside the bar and came to introduce himself, just as our food and beers were being brought out
'Oh, you are having a beer? Maybe we should re-schedule for another day?'
No shit, Greek Sherlock 

The trouble is, if we ever do buy a place, that's what it's going to be like getting trades people, permits, etc, etc. Sometimes it sounds like it's more hastle than it's worth, but considering how badly England is turning into shit these days, I'd rather have Greek hastle in the sun, than England in any weather

Another week to go though, and it's back at work, so I think we will spend the rest of our time concentrating on food and beer, rather than property

Hope you're all well!

Palm tree


The Jannie said...

Bucko said...

The Jannie said...

Bucko said...