
12 Monkeys


From Sky News via my MSM feed
Nine climate activists have been cleared by a jury of causing £500,000 worth of criminal damage for shattering windows at HSBC bank's headquarters in London.
I was a little surprised to read that, to say the least. I remember when this happened and those climate idiots made no attempt to hide what they were doing or who they were, so it doesn't seem possible that any jury in their right mind would find them not guilty
Not guilty. It was like that when I got here
The Extinction Rebellion campaigners admitted using hammers and chisels to break windows at HSBC in Canary Wharf in the morning of 22 April 2021, but denied this was criminal conduct.
So admitting using tools to break windows (that were not their own), is a guilty plea. No two ways about it. Claiming it's not criminal conduct, challenging the charges in effect, must be what got them a jury trial I suppose, but still, how can breaking someone elses windows not be criminal conduct?
According to the group, the jury made several requests for further information during the course of the trial, including for an explanation of the Paris Climate Agreement...
The Paris climate agreement has nothing to do with the trial. The Paris climate agreement does not give thugs the right to break windows if they disagree with the policies of a business
...information on what the British government had done to address the climate crisis...
Also irrelevant. The 'climate crisis' and the Governments handling of it, does not excuse these actions under the law. Breaking windows is not protest, it's criminal damage
...and an explanation as to how HSBC was able to come up with the estimated cost of the damage to the windows - just over half a million pounds - within hours of the action
And this one really grips my shit. Is it now legal to damage someone elses property, as long as they are rich enough to be able to replace it quickly?
The jury returned a not guilty verdict after two hours of deliberation.
That jury has just made a mockery of the trial by jury system
These eco nutters believe their actions were justified, because they disagree with what HSBC does. The result of this trial means I can now go round and smash these eco loons windows, because I disagree with what they do. And I have to be found not guilty, right?
Pull the other one. They would throw the key at me


A K Haart said...

Anonymous said...

Bucko said...