

No more working for a week or two

So we're back in Corfu for the next couple of weeks, both of which will probably be spent chilling until we can't chill no more
We're staying in a little village and we are right over the road from a small church. There was a funeral service on last night for one of the locals and the entire village turned out.
This morning I got out of bed and walked into the living room, stark bollock naked. There is Mrs Bucko with the patio doors fully open and the village back in attendance for Sunday services. I swear she did it on purpose, as she never opens doors. Doesn't like bugs getting in

We didn't get much sleep on Friday due to our arrival time and stuff, and I also woke very early at 06:30. I decided to wake Mrs Bucko with a brew and we walked down the front to see the sun rise over Albania

Managed a decent nights kip last night and we're off to meet some friends for a barbeque this afternoon. We haven't thought much further ahead than that


The Jannie said...

Enjoy! I did wonder, though, given Corfu's position, whether leaving windows open might let illegals in as well as bugs.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately they don't have that problem round here 🙂