
The little things

Midget Gems renamed after claims name is hateful towards people with dwarfism

M&S rebrands sweets as Mini Gems, but campaigner claims more companies need to follow suit to abolish ‘deeply insulting’ word

I don't know who I hate more, campaigning idiots with no life and too much time on their hands, or the companies that listen to their idiocy

The word you're looking for is, Fuck off! 

Next stop, shrimp cocktail!


The Jannie said...

These professional victims come, more and more, to be like the toddler throwing a tantrum in the supermarket because mum said NO! Their screams can only get a positive reaction from companies of a similar mentality and because of that the soft sods will be picked on again and again.

Bucko said...

Yes, no 'activist' ever said, my work here is done