
Trans-Action Void

New Trump policy on transgender children will be 'punch to the gut', says mum of trans child
As an Alpha Male, I'll admit to being a little bemused by all the Transgender fuss we are subject to these days. Sure, everyone should be treated equally under the law, but it seems that modern identity groups do not want equality, but special treatment, a state of affairs that I cannot abide

Transgender people are screaming from the rooftops for their rights, but all I see from my side of the fence is a campaign for men to be allowed into women's places where they don't belong, particularly bathrooms and even worse, prisons

And how did all of this evolve from gay rights, a battle that was won a long time ago? A man who fancies a man is now quite able get himself a man without fear of discrimination, or as it used to be in the 'dark times', arrest and prison. But now a man who fancies a man isn't a man at all, he's a woman. Or a woman who fancies a man can also be a man; a man who fancies a man but is really a woman. Or they can all be neither. They can be a man / woman who fancies a man / woman but isn't a man or woman. And there's about twenty-odd different variations on the theme

And the strangest thing of all, it's not called mental illness, it's called 'Gender'. And you can pick your own

And the establishment actively encourages all this. There's a plethora of new mental illnesses about these days. Anything upwards of simply feeling a bit down is a mental illness that requires state intervention, yet if you want to take your penis into a women's bathroom because you identify as a man who has the right to have periods and babies, even if it's biologically impossible, your state of mind is applauded and encouraged

Anyway, I'm waffling a bit. It seems the Trump administration has decided it might be a good idea if peoples gender is defined by the gender they were born with rather than some made up gender that defines you as a bit Loony Tunes
Parents are concerned federal civil rights of their transgender children could be at risk should the Trump administration push through a new policy which will change the way they are treated
If you were born a bloke, you have to say you are a bloke in order to do some stuff. I can see no way that this will infringe any ones federal civil rights. At most, it will firm up the federal civil rights of non 'trans' people who are currently being moved aside to accommodate this particular identity group
After Jamie Harper's son began middle school in Loudoun County, Virginia, the teenager has only been known as a boy. His friends don't know that he was actually born a girl and his family has had to fight to keep it that way.
The mother of a transgender teenager in New Hampshire said her daughter had already endured too much to suffer such a setback.
"I am overwhelmingly concerned that if somehow all of this goes away, and Skylar is forced to have male documents, and lose her legal identity as female, my child will die," said Jennifer Elizabeth,
Cori Lathan's 12-year-old daughter already suffers from anxiety attacks. Earlier this week, Ms Lathan went to pick her up early from her public middle school in Silver Spring, Maryland, because she was stricken again.
Amy Bonnett, a 51-year-old mother of a 16-year-old transgender boy in Scottsdale, Arizona, worried that changes in the federal protections could prevent her son from getting medical care or insurance, or could embolden a future employer to decide not to hire him
The unknowns around the Trump administration proposal have left parents like Sarah Watson, a Bethesda, Maryland mother of a non-binary teenager, wondering what might come next.
This makes me wonder if all these children were actually born in the wrong bodies, or were they simply born with Liberal parents?

Look how liberal I am. My child is special
I'd bet my boots that the parents are largely responsible for the state of mind of these children. If so, it's got to be some form of child abuse to have brought up a 12 to 16 year old who is so totally defined by their sexual orientation, to the point where declaring their birth gender on documents results in mass hysteria

The Western World is the most tolerant it has ever been in history; it's people have more rights than they have every enjoyed and have more protections against discrimination that ever, but the more these identity groups get, the more they push for. We've gone way beyond equality now and are well into the realms of taking the piss

If Trumps Government does decide to rein in this nonsense a little, it can only be a good thing.


Andy5759 said...

Bucko said...

JuliaM said...

Bucko said...