
All good things...

Including what I have written on Orphans of Liberty, this is my 1000th published post. Some were good, some were pants and some caused a stir. I've clocked nearly a quarter million page views and over 5000 comments from a range of people crazy enough to read my rantings.

My first post was on 25th May 2010 so it's been more than two years of happy blogging. Before that the internet was for ebay and porn. It wasn't until I accidentally discovered Nanny Knows best, and from there, Dick Puddlecote that I was introduced to the world of blogging and wanted to be a part of it.

But what has happened since then? I didn't expect this blog to change anything on it's own but I did expect change. I expected things to get better. I expected a Conservative government to behave like conservatives and put a stop to the nanny state, the welfare state and the hideous levels of taxation we are forced to pay.

Naivety? Obviously.

Things have only got worse. All the pre election promises have been broken.

The war on the smoker has continued with gusto. The tobacco display ban was brought in and soon we will have plain packaging. The taxes have continued to rise.

The war on the motorist has continued with gusto. Petty rules and fines continue. Taxes continue to rise.

The war on personal choice is worse than it ever was. Minimum alcohol pricing is soon to be introduced. Taxes on certain foods will follow, as will plain packaging for both booze and food.

The war on the British citizen continues unabated. Surveillance, anti terror laws, jobsworths, thousands of new laws and stautes.

The government is much too big and way out of control, but it's not only the government we are fighting, it's the people.

People call for these new laws, people demand protection and insist the state dictate the lives of those around them. People demand security at the complete expense of freedom. Most people don't even have the imagination to take advantage of freedom, to use it and to enjoy it. They fear freedom. People acting under their own free will frighten the general populace and they demand freedom be taken away.

And they hate the rich and successful. Most folk have no idea how to make something of their lives. They have no idea where they are going or how to control it. Because they will never have anything, they become jealous of those that do. They demand their right to a piece of pie when they never contributed to the baking.

The people demand that freedom be taken away and everyone else be snapped down to the lowest common denominator. The government are only to happy to oblige.

How do you fight that? You can't. It can only end with a massive shift in the way people think. Even a revolution would not solve the problem. If the people revolted it would be for the wrong reasons and would take us in the wrong direction. A revolution would be about confiscating the assets of the rich and redistributing the wealth. Why? Because that's whet the majority of people want.

I and others like me are in such a tiny minority, all we can do is make noise and be humoured by the masses like some funny pet.

Answers? When I started this blog I thought I had them. Now I have none. That's not the right way around is it?

It's time for me to blend in with the sheep. Rather than reading the ePapers over my cornflakes, looking for a blog story, I need to be watching an episode of Friends.

Rather than boiling my piss day in and day out, getting annoyed about the latest stupidity of the sheep, I need to find something productive to do with my time.

I need to get out of the 9 to 5 existence I have become trapped in since the socialist bastards closed all the pubs and put an end to my career.

It's in that endeavour that I need to be focusing my energy now, not trying to fight the tides. There's no point fighting the unwinnable fight. And to be honest I'm out of ideas.

I'll still be around and still available for protests and bacci trips -

For now I'm falling back on the old 'disgraced polotician' excuse - To spend more time with my family. And more time on me and my options. A skint guy in a 9-5 with a passion for crappy cars can't do much anyway.

It's been emotional folks...and remember... excellent to each other!


Anonymous said...

Curmudgeon said...

The Filthy Engineer said...

JuliaM said...

Bucko said...

Smoking Hot said...

Dioclese said...

Curmudgeon said...

Leg-iron said...

Jay said...

Pat Nurse MA said...

Mick Anderson said...

Richard said...

Humph said...

Dr Sok said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...

microdave said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...

Pat Nurse MA said...

Bucko said...

Zaphod said...

Bucko said...

James Higham said...

Edwin Greenwood said...

Bucko said...

Macheath said...

Bucko said...

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...