
All smokers die horrible deaths?

I was speaking with a heart specialist yesterday. I've been having some nasty heart palpitations, and after a lot of tests with weird electrodes it turns out I've been drinking way too much coffee.

He was talking about caffeine, alcohol and tobacco and how they affect different people in different ways.

During his very long speech he told me that doctors all know the damage that cigarettes do, but what they don't know is why only fifteen percent of smokers develop lung diseases.

I was quite stunned by that revelation. I do know that a lot of smokers do it all their life without problems, despite the antis trying to make us believe that all smokers die of lung cancer, but I thought the percentages would be a lot higher than that.

And that comes from a heart doctor.


The Filthy Engineer said...

Dick Puddlecote said...

Bucko said...

Leg-iron said...

Richard said...

Richard said...

Bucko said...

selsey.steve said...

Bucko said...