
More guff falls foul of science.

Apparently saturated fat is not the rampant killer we have been lead to believe it is.

Just a couple of weeks ago we found out that warnings of the harmful effects of sun exposure were bringing back rickets as panicky parents covered their children.

Now a study on the harmful effects of saturated fat has found that:

Recent advances in the study of saturated fat have shown that the evidence between saturated fat intake and health had been oversimplified in dietary advice.
Several different studies seemed to imply that genetics, lifestyle and age could all play a part in how badly your body is affected by its saturated fat intake.

Genetics, lifestyle and age affect the way your body responds to everything, but for too long we have been sold the, one size fits all version of "public health".

"The relationship between dietary intake of fats and health is intricate, and variations in factors such as human genetics, life stage and lifestyles can lead to different responses to saturated fat intake."
And some scientists believe that non-harmful saturated fats are 'lumped in' with others distorting health advice.

We all know that "health advice" is not about health, it's about money and control.

Let's have some real studies on passive smoking and drinking alcohol. It's about time the wheels came off.


William said...

Bucko said...

microdave said...

Dick Puddlecote said...

microdave said...

Bucko said...