
Funny Google search words

I had a look at the list of Google search terms that brought people to my blog.

Here are some of the funniest and weirdest:

animal porn octopus
blood simple cigarette moose
cuz our love will last for ever the moose
epic tit wank
extreme octo porn
ford capri poison
funk connection moose moose moose if you loved me you say
is harriet harman a space invader?
many handjobs
wayne topping porn
διττο μοωεσ

Who types this stuff into Google?

I'm off to find out if Harriet Harman, is in fact a space invader.....


The Wasp said...

I still receive hordes every day searching for split crotch panties.

Your Octopus Porn trumps my lacy knickers though I think.

Bucko said...

I did once do a post about someone arrested for having octopus porn. Now, whenever any perv searches online for it, I get a hit ;-)

What did you do to get split crotch panties? I've got to read that one.

The Wasp said...

It was a combination of this post where the title turned into said panties whilst having a beer or three :

followed by this one to reinforce matters :

Strangely the thought of reinforced gusset just sprang to mind whilst typing that - am I beyond help?

I have blogged about those before too in an entirely different context to the one you may be imagining :

Bucko said...

Ha ha. Excellent stuff.
I always imagined that if my website got taken down by the government, it would be because of some anti establishment crusade, like Fitwatch maybe. In reality it will probably be due to a crackdown on extreme sea life buggery ;-)

microdave said...

Just what is it with Octopus porn??? Do they predict when you're going to cum?