
Wot a nob

Inflation fell to the UK’s official target in May for the first time in three years, a decline seized upon by Rishi Sunak as evidence that the economy has “turned a corner” under his premiership.
"That thing that I fucked up earlier is now better" FTFY

Rish paid me and millions more people to stay at home because there was a virus going round. My furlough was for three months, but it was much longer for many, and a large number also saw it as a great excuse to sit on the couch and do fuck all for as long as they could milk it

Others didn't have a job or business to go back to

But the colossal mistake that Rishi made, that anyone with half a brain could see coming, is now a bit better again becuase he fixed it somehow

Fuck off Rishi

Source (Paywall)


The Jannie said...

"anyone with half a brian could see coming"

Monty Python would be proud . . .

Bucko said...


A K Haart said...

It's like a guy who steals your car then turns up trying to claim a reward for finding it after he ran out of petrol.

Bucko said...

And left a turd in the passenger seat

JuliaM said...

"Rish paid me and millions more people to stay at home because there was a virus going round. My furlough was for three months, but it was much longer for many..."

And for some, it appears not to have ended.

Anonymous said...

Something that I found interesting about the whole furlough episode was a thread on a site called Bored Panda. People had sent in pictures of their lockdown projects. Their gardens transformed from a bit of wasteland into a beautiful outdoor space. Amazing woodwork creations. One contributor had built a harpsichord. I'm sure that these people would have been out numbered by people who vegetated in front of daytime telly but I found it encouraging that there are people out there that can't help being industrious and creative.

Anonymous said...

Here's a sample.

Bucko said...

Julia - Public servants?

Bucko said...

Anon - Some good stuff on there. I got a lot of DIY done during my time off, but it was general maintenance stuff, I didn't actually create anything like that.