
If it involves the labour of a person... isn't a human right
The Labour candidate for Hayes and Harlington, John McDonnell, who previously served as shadow chancellor, has called for the government to enact legislation to enshrine childhood green space as a right.
Of all the dumb shit Labour idiots come out with...
Why on Earth would 'green space' be classed as a human right, and how on Earth would legislation make it possible?
All schoolchildren should have a right to green space to play in, with private schools made to share their extensive facilities, campaigners have said.
Of course, the socialist way. If you don't have something yourself, take it from others
A Guardian investigation this week found that children at England’s top private schools have access to 10 times the amount of green space that the average state school pupil can use, while there are some state school pupils who have no access to playgrounds or playing fields at all.
So as the Labour party commit to charging VAT on private school places, the war on private schools begins in earnest. Cheerleaded by the Guardian, obviously
The Guardian has mapped out the land owned and used by the top public schools in the country, an area never previously established. Using publicly available information, our team looked at the schools in the Heads’ Conference – the association of the heads of the UK’s top private fee-charging day and boarding schools – and used satellite tools to differentiate between school buildings and the green space around them.
To say the Guardian is always begging readers for money, it seems like their journalists have too much time on their hands. What kind of person would even come up with the idea to do this?

Someone who wants to start a witch hunt and attack private schools. Someone who is jealous that some parents can afford a better standard of education for their kids

This is the socialist way. Bring everyone down to the same level, for the sake of equality. Socialists make me vomit, and this Labour muppet who has been expertly manipulated by the Guardian, is right up there with the worst of them


A K Haart said...

A couple of Victorian schools near to us never had any green space, so bringing schools down to that level could be fun. My old school in Derby never had any green space either. Maybe Labour is thinking of demolishing old schools.

The Jannie said...

Ah, our old friends the Marxists, continuing their view that envy is not a sin but an exhortation.

Bucko said...

A K Haart - My secondary school had massive playing fields. It's houses now, and the new one they built is in the town with no fields. I think all that was done under New Labour, but don't quote me

The Jannie - Envy seems to be all they have

Lord T said...

It's the socialist way. They take something over. They then sell off the land for housing, reduce the services and turn it into shit. The piss the cash against a wall, after filling their pockets.

They then complain that the others have more than they have and insist that they share their land and pay more for the better service.

It never stops.

Anonymous said...

My old comprehensive was in quite a rural area and had decent sized playing fields which as far as I know are still there. I acquired my lifelong loathing of field sports there.

Bucko said...

Heh! Same here. Football and rugby. Couldn't stand it