
What if they called a general election...

...and nobody came?
Well I reckon there's a good chance this year
We have two parties that could win this and they are both a complete dung heap. Years ago, when I wrote this post about democracy, we had a distinct two party system. One was left leaning and one was right

Ever since the New Labour of 1997 got booted out though, the party on the right has been shifing further towards the left. So much so now, that the two main parties are indistinguishable from each other

It really makes me laugh when the socialist grifters in our society, who have never contributed or created anything, bleat slogans like 'get the Tories out', and I spit so much coffee when they compare the Conservative Party (and the legacy media) with the right wing
What on Earth do these people think distances the Conservatives from Labour these days? What do they think the current government is doing that Tony Blair didn't already do or want to do? What do they think a Labour government will do differently than the current incumbent?

The two main parties are as different as night and later that night

There is an up and coming new option at the moment, in the shape of Reform. They're not perfect, but they might offer a fair decent alternative (Assuming we have to have someone, of course). They won't get anywhere substantial in this years election, but if people keep voting for them, they may eventually be big enough to offer a proper conservative option at the ballot
They're not standing anyone in my area though, so I can't vote for them anyway

If I do have the energy to slightly modify my route to work on election day and nip in the local polling station, it will only be to write something childish and obscene on my voting forms. 
Yes I know, people went to war and died for our rights to democracy, etc, etc, but the right to vote is one thing, the duty to vote for the lesser of two evils is totally different, and something I will never do. Voting for them only validates and encourages them. Refusing to participate sends a stronger message, in my opinion
And I think many will refuse to participate this time. Labour will almost certainly win, but I reckon it will be with the lowest voter turnout of all time

But at the end of the day, whoever gets in, the country is doomed. Western civilisation is collapsing in on itself, just like many civilisations before it. Our time seems to be done

And maybe that's what we need. Maybe a Labour Government hammering the final nail in the coffin, will finally wake people up and turn the situation around. Maybe the phoenix that rises from four years of a Labour fire will be the dawn of something new and different

Or maybe not...

(The only thing I'm looking forward to is how Anglo-American relations pan out with Kier Starmer and Donald Trump in charge. Should be interesting)


The Jannie said...

"The two main parties are as different as night and later that night"

Brilliant! Consider it stolen!

Bucko said...

I knew I should have locked the door...

A K Haart said...

I reckon that any phoenix arising from four years of Labour is likely to be battery operated and catch fire before it has a chance to flap its wings.

Bucko said...

You could be right AK. You could be right...

Anonymous said...

I believe that we have a Reform candidate in our constituency, if so he will get my vote. If not it will be a spoiled ballot again. I think that it is important to turn out and spoil the ballot if you have no one to vote for. Don't let the bastards claim that we are apathetic and just can't be bothered, at least send them the message that you have positively rejected them.


Bucko said...

Yeah, I'll probably do that