

Potatoes are awesome, aren't they. You can make them into so much stuff. Like pototo waffles
And even if you're too lazy to turn a potato into chips or mash or something, you can just cut it up and eat it raw

So very versatile
Enjoy the day of potato. Eat some spuds!


A K Haart said...

Baked spuds are my favourite. If you can't be bothered to make mash then Sainsbury's instant mash is pretty good with some Dijon mustard stirred in. Handy to take on holiday too.

Bucko said...

We have a wood fire that does really good baked spuds, they're a favourite of mine too.
We get tesco instant mash because neither of us can make mash worth a damn. Mrs B adds cheese, mustard, pepper or whatever else she fancies at the time. I just tend to do it plain with beans or gravy

Anonymous said...

Mashed, with grated cheese (Cheddar or Parmesan) and a dash of milk or cream, to start with. Preferred spices or mustard as an addition. Add chopped chicken and bacon, then rolled into small tubes, dipped in egg and breadcrumbs before deep frying. Sweet chilli sauce and a crunchy side salad makes an ideal meal for those you care about.

Bucko said...

Penseivat - I'm gonna try that. It was making me hungry just reading it

Anonymous said...

Spuds are also really easy to grow. I grew some last year but this year I never got around to it. No problem, they are popping up at random on last years patch.


Bucko said...

Stonyground - I tried growing some in a barell once, but never really got anywhere, other than a few small ones. My record for growing anything is pretty bad, apart from the year of the massive raddishes