
I haven't gone anywhere

Things got a bit busy for a while, towards the end of March. I thought it might last a couple of weeks, but do far it's shown no sign of letting up
We've taken on a massive contract at work, that is going to keep me too busy to think, until about October. In addition to that, everything is going on at home too (In a good way)

So in all the excitement, I've just realised, I haven't posting anything here for ages. It helps not having the time to read the news. If you don't know what the idiots in Government, police, environmentalism, transgenderism, the NHS, the public sector, the schools, and the rest of the western world are getting up to, it's hard to get annoyed about anything

I may have been busy for a while, but it's helped the old blood pressure

I'm not going anywhere though. If anything crops up that annoys me or fascinates me, I might do the odd blog post. If not, I'll be back as soon as I can. At this rate though, it may be autumn

Be excellent to each other


Barman said...

Welcome back...

The Jannie said...

Isn't it annoying when work gets in the way of life? Take care and we'll be ready with the smartarse comments when you need them.

Bucko said...

Looking forward to it!

CJ Nerd said...

All yours, dude.

Stonyground said...

I know how it gets. I'm retired and was overwhelmed with stuff that needed doing for the first part of the year. While dealing with other stuff my garden was gradually becoming a jungle so that needed sorting out too.

Bucko said...

Yeah, it's amazing how much crap the winter drops on a garden or yard

Macheath said...

A break from the news is an excellent idea, although, as I’m finding after a mere couple of weeks away, it’s a bit of a shock when you get back and find just how bizarre things have got in the interim. I’m starting to think all those science fiction stories about Earth being an experiment devised by pan-dimensional beings / lizard people / ancient gods (or white mice) might have something after all...

Bucko said...

If true, the experiment is going badly wrong. Can't be long before they cancel it :-)

Macheath said...

‘Can’t be long before they cancel it’

I’m starting to wonder whether last week’s near-miss asteroid was an attempt at something of the sort...

Meanwhile, should you be passing through, it would be interesting to hear a take on the fires in Corfu from someone who knows the island rather than the usual MSM hype and ‘human interest’ stuff. The BBC news at ten plumbed new depths last night, leading with the way the fires had ‘ruined’ the holidays of British tourists; it was several minutes before any mention of the devastating impact on local residents and businesses - and that was from a random vox pop interviewee at the airport (well done that woman!). We’ve become accustomed to crass reporting from the BBC lately but that was in a whole new league.

On the plus side, your experience suggests that the Corfu phone alert system is up and running - although an approaching wildfire isn’t exactly something one is likely to miss. Hope your friends (and your house purchase plans) aren’t too badly affected.

Bucko said...

MacHeath - I'll have to get in touch with some friends and ask their opinion, although if it was anything serious, I'm sure we would have heard from them by now (Unless the entire island has been nuked of course)

Macheath said...

To be scrupulously fair to the BBC, that should have read ‘the way the Rhodes fires had ‘ruined’ the holidays...’ - not that it makes their report any less crass.

Macheath said...

Of course, fires happen most summers in those regions; grim if you have the bad luck to lose your home/car/business - and very rough in an area where tourism plays a major part in the economy - but hardly the apocalypse the media are trying to portray.

This rather captures the spirit of the reporting, I think...

Bucko said...


""Hello my friend
As usual media spread panic and missinformation
There was a problem in Corfu but wasnt anything unusual
Every summer we have few forest fires here
This one was dangerous for 3-4 villages and few Villas but very few were totally burn
There was serious problem in Rhodes island that big part of the island was affected , i think they are better now
So if nothing new happens i think you will find us same as always
I hope that you are doing great
My best wishes and greetings to [Redacted]

So there you have it

Macheath said...

Good to hear!

RdM said...