
This is what grips my shit...

 ...about the trans cult

Just for the record, I don't read Teen Vogue. I picked up the link from another blogger, and I assume he did the same *Ahem*

So teens be 13 to 19 year olds, and this is what thier media is offering them
The article itself is about how Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida and possible candidate for the next US President, has signed into law, a number of bills that apparently strip away the rights of trans people

If you're brand new to this debate, articles like this sound as though people are advocating going back to the days when it was illegal to be gay, when gays were sent to prison and when skinheads used to go gay bashing for shits and giggles on a Friday night

Anyone familiar with the debate understands that Trans culture is far removed from LGB culture and laws like this are designed to protect children from the unscientific nonsense, dangerous indoctrination and downright filth that the trans lobby is peddling
Also that as far as human rights go, trans people have no less than anyone else

This is what the evil facist has signed into law in Florida
Senate Bill 254, which imposes harsh restrictions on gender-affirming care for both minors and adults
It prevents interference in the growth and developement of children with the use of things like puberty blockers, and prevents sex change medical procedures being performed on children
House Bill 1069 bans trans students from being able to use their correct pronouns and allows anyone in a school district to flag classroom or library material that contains sexual content for potentially permanent removal.
It doesn't prevent anyone from using their prefered pronouns if that's their thing. It prevents people from forcing others to use their prefered pronouns
It does not ban education books that contain educational sexual content in the correct context, it allows the banning of trans propaganda that contains pornographic filth that no children should be exposed to (And most adults, but that's up to them)
HB 1438 bans minors from drag performances with hefty penalties for establishments that might violate its provisions
Yes. But I fail to see why parents would want to take their small children to heavily sexualised drag performaces anyway. If that's what parents are doing to their kids, then as much as I despise banning things, somebody does need to step in and put a stop to it, as the parents are not doing their job
HB 1521 would ban trans people from using the correct gendered facilities in schools, prisons, or any “public buildings.”
Translation. It prevents men from using the womens toilets. Or any female only space. So far I have not heard protest from women who want to use the mens toilets, it's always the men who want to invade womens areas. Of course I use the word 'men' lightly here
Last but not least, HB 225 gives the state government control over the Florida High School Athletic Association “to ensure women’s sports are protected,” which is right-wing code for anti-trans sports bans. 
It's not code. Code is supposed to hide the meaning. Here the meaning is clear. It's to protect womens sports from men, who have a phisical advantage when competing
'Anti Trans sports bans' is the real code in this sentance. Nobody is being banned from sports, they are just being told to compete in thier own categories to maintain fairness. Again, you never hear of women demanding to compete in mens sports, it's only ever the mediocre male sportsmen who want to gain an advantage by competing against women cheating
Trans folk are always telling us there are more than two genders. Why not have more than two categories in sport? Nobody is stopping trans people having their own category or competing in the one they biologically represent
Advocates immediately slammed the so-called Let Kids Be Kids package.[...] DeSantis is “directly assaulting our freedom.”
Advocates who 'slam' this, reveal a great deal about themselves. What freedoms are being assaulted here?
The freedom to perform irreversible medical changes on children who are too young too understand or consent
The freedom to have professionals fired from their jobs if they do not indulge your fantasies
The freedom to expose young children to men dressing as women and simulating sex acts, and to 'literature' bordering on graphic gay porn
The freedom to demand access to womens toilets
The freedom to cheat in womens sports and effectively erase bioligical female winners from sporting events

I'll never speak up for the removal of freedoms, as long as no harm is done. These 'freedoms' do massive harm to children, women and wider society, so I have no problem agreeing that DeSantis has done the right thing here

He may even make a half decent president. America really needs one, right about now


A K Haart said...

Well said - if anything our freedoms are being assaulted. These people turn language on its head and don't care what damage they do.