
The Benefits of a Welfare State

Reading this article in the Gaurdian, I think the answer to whatever question they are trying to ask, is a reduction in benefits, but I doubt that's what they were going for
UK benefit changes have pushed people into dead-end, low-paid jobs, says IFS
If this is true (I doubt it, but I'm not expert), it means that benefit changes have moved people into work. The type of job does not matter. The only thing that does matter is that they're not languishing in a life of state dependancy where they will own and achieve nothing (Or sponging off the taxpayer, for those who actually want to be on benefits)

Most people enter the world of work in a low paid, dead end job. The idea is to gain experience and move up the jobs ladder. If you're long-term unemployed, the same may be expected to get you (back) into work
(Just for the record, I no longer think there are 'low-paid' jobs in the UK, due to the minimum wage. There are jobs that will not feed a family of four and pay a mortgage, but these jobs are not supposed to. They are only a stepping stone to such. The pay you get for doing these jobs is higher than it's ever been un UK history, but the min wage is a discussion for another day)
Tougher rules have boosted employment but jobs offer scant career progression and contribute little to tax revenue
Minimum wage, entry level jobs often offer little in the way of career progression, unless you're willing to learn more and gain experience and maybe use that to move to a different job with a new company
The idea that they contribute little to tax in this context, is complete bunkum. Sure, Minimum wage workers don't pay much in income tax, but the Guardian is forgetting the tax saving from getting them off benefits and into work 
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said successive waves of welfare changes since the late 1990s had imposed more stringent conditions on those claiming jobless benefits and increased the incentives to find a job.

Yet its research also found that many of the jobs found were part-time, low paid and had scant chance of career progression.

As a result, the thinktank found those encouraged to enter paid work had tended to remain on low pay, were paying little in tax and were often still entitled to in-work benefits.
So people are coming off benefits and getting jobs. These jobs may be entry level, but they are actually entering the world of work. So what is it the IFS actually want? The endgame is often missing from these articles; it's just one big gripe with no solutions offered or suggestions made
“Policymakers would do well to look beyond the headline employment number when setting benefits policy, and consider how the system – and other parts of policy – can be shaped to promote longer-term career progression.”
That may make sense to Guardian readers, but it doesn't make a lick of it to me
According to the institute, a low earner with children in 1997 to 1998 on average had lost 50p in reduced benefits or higher taxes for every £1 earned when they moved into part-time work. Today that figure is 38p.
 All they've really said is that benefits pay more than work. If you get a job, you get paid less than being on benefits. You may even get your wage topped up by universal credit

So the obvious answer is a massive reduction in benefits. And maybe a cap on the length of time you can claim. Make the system a safetly net again, rather than a lifestyle choice for the lazy and a subsidy for employers

That must be it, right?


The Jannie said...

And correct the system so that single mother is no longer a valid career option.

Bucko said...

Indeed. That's one of the most important ones, because kids born as cosh cows, always seem to end up breeding and on benefits themselves, so it just perpetuates the problem

Lord T said...

Not just single mums there are entire families that have kids every few years just for the benefits. If we are overpopulated, and I don't think we are, then giving people encouragement to have kids is a bad idea. Cutting child, and other, benefits is also a good way to go.

An at the risk of sounding like a eugenist, its the lower class that has all the kids. Single mums, unemployed families whilst your general middle class have none, one or two kids usually. Many middle class families don't have kids till they feel that they have enough cash to do so and for many that is too late.
All totalitarian futures seem to have mandated limits on children. I don't believe that should happen but I also don't believe I should be paying for someone to have kids so they can stay unemployed.

Bucko said...

Indeed, Lord T. I don't think there should be controls on the number of children, but that there should be no benefits or other payouts for having them. Parents should pay themselves.
It's when politicians (And campaigners) start saying that it's not the childs fault. True in a sense, but as long as we keep paying, chavs will keep breeding more children whose fault it isn't. It might take a generation of hardship, but stopping the benefits would eventually break the cycle of endless breeding of unaffordable children

Bucko said...

Agreed Stonyground. All jobs have some positives, but been dependant on the state is certainly dead end