
Jiggery Pokery in the Chokey

It seems some prison inmates are getting it on with the guards, and this has to stop
Ministers have vowed to stamp out illicit affairs between prison staff and offenders amid a surge in the number of criminals caught exploiting relationships to smuggle contraband into jails.
So what brought this on?
The number of workers exposed for inappropriate relationships increased by 30 per cent since 2017 to more than 40 a year, according to data released under Freedom of Information laws.

During the same period, the number of female prison staff rose by 27 per cent to 15,000 – now accounting for 42 per cent of all staff – as part of a diversity drive.
So. You increase the number of female prison guards, and the number of boots being knocked increases. Sounds like a good explanation to me. More women tending to the male prisoners...

But is it? If the number of incidents exposed has gone up since 2017, could it be that the prisons have become better at rooting this out since 2017? And if so, could they have started targeting this behaviour more vigerously, in order to pave the way for a diversity drive to bring in more female officers?

You can demanstrate anything with numbers

Covid cases have doubled. They did in October, round where I live and it was reported in the news. They doubled from 2 to 4. Out of 170k people. That bit wasn't reported

Numbers in the news can paint a good picture, but it's not always wise to accept it



The Jannie said...

A friend works in the prison service: its "management" couldn't find their own arse using both hands and a map. The stories we hear every evening prove that they haven't a clue: the most basic of management principles are ignored, elfinsafety is a laugh and consideration for the staff is waaaay behind that for the inmates.

Bucko said...

That sounds about what I would expect. That's probably what I would expect for most of the public sector 'management'