
Justin can't back down now

Canada's supreme leader has just announced he's going to be freezing the bank accounts of people protesting against vaccine mandates

It's all part of some emergency powers designed to keep Canadians safe from an airborne virus and nothing at all to do with Justin being a toad faced dictator

He's put himself in a position where he can't back down now. Whatever happens, he has to win this or else he loses too much face and he's toast. He may well be toast already, but for him to give even an inch now, would seal his fate 

He could have been more flexible over the vaccine issues and he could have done many things to create a workable compromise and avoid all this hassle. He chose to take the hard line and now he's gone so far he can't turn back

If I was an influential person in the trucker protest and could get an audience with the Toad in charge, I would be tempted to have this conversation with him:
Trucker guy to Toad Face: We are willing to pack all this up an go home. You will have won. All you need to do is wait one week and then scrap the vaccine mandates for reasons that Covid has now now become something we can learn to live with and vaccine mandates are no longer required. If you don't do this in one week, we will roll back in again and stay until all our demands are met
I think it might have a good chance. It would give the Toad a way out where he could save face, declare victory, then shortly after state that he's doing what the people want as soon as he feels it's safe to do so

And everyone gets to go back to their homes and their jobs

I doubt he would even speak with them though, let alone compromising with them to reach a solution. The modern political class no longer believe they are working for the people, they believe they have a divine right to rule and the rest of us are to stupid to understand

Much like the Kings and Queens of old

Also, I would hate to have a name like Justin. Just In? Seriously?