
Saturday Wibble

What a crappy day. It's done nowt but rain. I was hoping to do some work on the car today, but didn't get the chance because of the crappy bloody British summer

One of the big issues with the Brexit debate was immigration. I am hoping to leave England for a hotter place when I retire. What I can't understand is why so many people want to come here. It's crappy.

The weather is shite, all year round. The taxes are high. The nannies are rampant, The chart music is bloody rubbish. There are no good bookshops. The kids are disrespectful. Need I go on?

Why on earth do we have an issue with immigration? The last person to leave England should have turned the lights out years ago. Maybe it's something to do with the welfare system. I believe that's quite generous

It can't just be that though. At our works, we have a whole bunch of polish people in Production, along with a Greek and  Frenchman in IT and a Lithuanian in Client Services

What is the attraction? Maybe it's just a grass is greener thing? I suppose looking in on England from the outside, it's probably a really great country. Maybe you have to be born and raised here to see the negatives. Or maybe it's just me. Maybe you have to be a Libertarian for this country to get on your nerves

Most British people probably do think this is a great country. But then again, most British people actually quite like being told what to do by the Government.

You only have to read the comments under stories in British newspapers. Most people want new bans and new restrictions, all the live long day. Most people would be happy for example, for drivers who use mobile phones to be banned from driving for life and serve ten years in prison, even if they caused no harm to anyone. Some people I know, who I consider to be quite intelligent, would be happy with things like that

I suppose that as a Libertarian, I can see an alternative lifestyle where people aren't controlled by everyone else's whims. More importantly, I'm happy with that and I'm happy for other people to get on with their lives, even if I don't approve of their choices, just as long as they leave me alone

The trouble is, when I retire and move to my greener grass, I won't be getting away from any of this. There isn't a nice little island for Libertarians to retire to, I'll just be moving to another country that's pretty much the same, just with a lot more sunshine. Hopefully that will be enough

But for now, I'm going to open a beer. Have a good night


Barman said...

I left 15 years ago for all those reasons...

There are much better places - even in the EU - that don't have all of that shite every day.

Bucko said...

Really? So the grass can be greener? I'm just hoping that when I leave (Corfu) I will be too chilled out to care about any of the niggly shit

JuliaM said...

"You only have to read the comments under stories in British newspapers."

Sometimes, you have to do that anyway, to get a clue about what the news is!

Bucko said...

Yeah, or get the true story 😀

nisakiman said...

If / when you move to Corfu, you will find that the grass is indeed greener. There's a lot of bureaucratic shit to deal with initially, but once you've crossed that hurdle (Tip: get a good accountant - I can recommend one in Corfu if you like - and get a good lawyer. They can take a lot of the pain out of the bureaucratic process) then basically you can just get on with life as you see fit. The golden rule is to avoid upsetting the locals, but that's not difficult; they're an easy going bunch on the whole.

I can't imagine living in the UK again. The very thought appalls me. I'm too used to the freedom I have here.

Bucko said...

Thanks, but we're a fair way off that just yet.
The thought of living the rest of my life in the UK appalls me. That's my incentive to do something about it :-)