New wiki site to unmask dealings of tobacco industry in Sri Lanka
Remember back in the day when some Tobacco Control idiots spent thousands of pounds of a Wiki that was supposed to 'expose' the tactics of the Tobacco Industry?At the time they were roundly lampooned in the blogosphere and someone even created a counter Wiki to expose the tactics of the muppets in Tobacco Control
Well we all know Tobacco Control refuse to learn from thier mistakes. Now they've got Wiki fever again, this time in Sri Lanka:
A major new online project, TobaccoUnmasked, designed to reveal the activities and influences of the tobacco industry on public health policy, has been launched in Sri Lanka on the back of the success of TobaccoTactics – an initiative first established by the University's Tobacco Control Research Group.
Two things:
1) "Reveal the activities and influences of the Tobacco Industry". All Tobacco Tactics ever 'revealed', was that the Tobacco Industry are likely to fight legislation that infringes on the rights of smokers and industry and they like to have an opinion when Public Health spout another round of verbal diarrhoea
2) Success of Tobacco Tactics. What a larf! The only success that site had was the creation of Tobacco Contrrol Tactics and the Tobacco Tactics parody account on Twitter, much to the delight of us smokers
Head of the Tobacco Control Research Group, Professor Anna Gilmore explained: "Progress in reducing tobacco use is continuously stymied by the actions of the tobacco industry. Researching and exposing how this industry works is therefore key to enabling progress. We are delighted to have been able to support our Sri Lankan colleagues in setting up their excellent observatory."
Anna Gilmore goes international. The UK Tobacco Control industry must be running out of ideas for the pacification of domestic smokers, so now they're exporting their hideous rhetoric and bile to third world countries. Which is exactly what they are accusing the tobacco companies of doing:
Recent studies, including by the Tobacco Control Research Group at Bath, have highlighted how lower-income countries including in Asia and Africa are increasingly targeted by major tobacco companies and seen as key to future profitability.
As this stuff is sprouting from the UK, do you think us taxpayers are funding it, just like we do with our domestic tax sponging busybodies? I'm not sure if a country like Sri Lanka has the tax funding to cover this particular brand of idiocy. If they do, they're using their productivity for the wrong things.
I'm quite willing to bet though, if Anna Gilmore is over there building the foundations of their Tobacco Control Industry, it's our money she's using to do it.
And it isn't going to stop there. Plans are afoot to create even more Wikis, which they've taken to calling 'Observatories', in other third world and developing countries:
Earlier this year, a network of the world's first tobacco industry observatories was convened at the University with representatives from TobaccoUnmasked in Sri Lanka, as well as international colleagues from Thailand, Brazil, South Africa and Lebanon. The idea of establishing a series of national observatories based on the University of Bath's model came from the FCTC Secretariat in recognition of the importance of such work.
UK Tobacco Control is going global. God help us all...
Tobacco tactics was a truly vile wiki. Set up 2012, it was a joint venture between CRUK and Smoke Free South West (aka the UK Department of Health). They gave an initial sum of £100,000 to a private detective agency to try to dish up dirt on anyone opposed to the anti-smoking industry. There was a particular focus on Freedom2Choose. A typical entry would name someone and then state that their links to the tobacco industry were being investigated. They never found any or anything else untoward. The entries were propaganda. Smearing individuals.
Difficult for people to object to this particularly as the detective agency was based in the Netherlands.
The real purpose of this exercise was far more sinister though. There was a thinly veiled threat that once personal details had been uncovered then employers and landlords could be written to demanding the person be sacked or evicted.
For example, suppose that person was a schoolteacher. Imagine letters going to the head teacher, school governors and parent teacher association. Each stating that so and so was actively encouraging smoking and asking if such a person was suitable to be educating children.
Don't mistake my light heartedness for flippancy. It's my first real post and far too soon to start loosing my shit right now
I get the hideousness that Tobacco Tactics is though and the fact that they made a point of targeting grass roots and unafilliated people. My hatred for these folks and what they represent, knows no bounds
I think Tobacco Tacts was the reason I stopped spending money in CRUK shops. It opened my eyes to the fact that they were in bed with Tobacco Control and that their idea of curing cancer was stopping people smoking, not finding an actual cure that could benefit everyone
Time for a smoke, I think :-)
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