
Some people feel sad sometimes

Quarter of adults have felt suicidal
A quarter of adults in England and Wales have considered suicide, research suggests.

Suicidal thoughts are most common in those aged 45 to 54, with just over a third saying they had contemplated taking their own life, according to the research conducted by the Campaign Against Living Miserably (Calm).
Oh good God, not another one? Well I'm not sure*. I visited their website to find out if they are another taxpayer funded, fake charity, but it gave me such a bad headache I found myself contemplating suicide.

The website is here but take heed before clicking the link. A pair of sungigs might help.
While men and women can both feel suicidal, (No shit? Ed.) more men kill themselves, the campaign group said.
Calm chief executive Jane Powell said: "Any of us can feel suicidal at some time, but not everyone is able to seek help."
They don't bloody need help. They feel sad for a while, they get over it. That's life. Now go and get proper jobs.

*It might even be a joke


PJH said...

Macheath said...

Humph said...

PJH said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...

microdave said...

Bucko said...