
Spain needs minimum pricing too..

...because British idiots can't behave themselves.

Father of tourist who fell to his death at Spanish resort while drunk calls for tougher laws governing sale of cheap alcohol

He's not calling for tougher laws here in his own country, although we are soon to get them, he's calling for tougher laws in a foreign country. Why? Because his idiot son got himself killed while on the piss in Spain.
The father of a British tourist who died after falling down three flights of stairs while drunk has hit out at cheap alcohol deals.
Adam Atkinson, 20, from Castleford, West Yorkshire, was killed in the accident at the HM Martinique hotel in Magaluf, Majorca, in April.
His father Alan Atkinson has called for tougher laws governing the selling of cheap alcohol in tourist resorts popular with young people.
This is the problem we face every day in our brain dead country. Absolutely no sense of personal responsibility. Yes it's sad that this young person is dead and I would wish no such thing on any child or parent, yet what he did was his own fault and nobody elses.
Mr Atkinson told New! magazine: 'There have been four accidents like Adam's in Magaluf since. These kids aren't looking for trouble. They are naive youngsters living life to the full and taking advantage of cheap alcohol deals.
If there is a lesson to be learned here it's that parents of 'naive' children should have a word in their shell like before they jet off to package holiday resorts. Having said that, Adam was twenty years old. He was an adult, and although the purposes of such a holiday is to have a barrel load of laughs, an adult should be a lot more self aware than to get pissed to the point he puts his own life in danger.

I've been on many such holiday in my younger years. All were a complete hoot and all involved a good deal of drunken pissballing about. Myself and everyone I went with always came back alive and uninjured.
'There should be tighter laws on cheap deals and binge drinking. Young people going on holiday to these places need protecting, before it's too late.'
No! Cheap booze is one of the attractions of such a holiday. Why should responsible people have to spend an extra few months saving up spending money because your idiot son put up the price of booze through his irresponsibility? Young people do not need protecting, they need to protect themslves.
'We believe Adam may have been planning to jump out on his friends when they arrived back at the hotel - he had taken the stairs, they had got in the lift.
'But he lost his footing and plunged three floors to the hard concrete below.
'He was enjoying himself and hadn't meant to risk his life. The poor, poor boy didn't deserve to die.
No he didn't, it was a tragic accident, a practical joke gone wrong by the looks of things, but other people do not deserve to be penalised because of it.

British people are no longer able to accept responsibility for their actions. Now we're calling for blanket legislation in other countries too? This really needs to stop.


Anonymous said...

"Mr Atkinson told New! magazine: 'There have been four accidents like Adam's in Magaluf since. These kids aren't looking for trouble. They are pissed-up chavs living life to the full and taking advantage of cheap alcohol deals."

I have cheated Death more times than I care to remember. At the time that I was playing Russian Roulette, the cost was not an issue.

Having been brought up well (my brother is a complete square), it's only my own idiocy, viewed with 20/20 hindsight, that was to blame.

However, my parents did give me enough sense to only put one round in the revolver, no more.

Bucko said...

You can't even do that since they banned handguns

Anonymous said...

Metaphorically speaking :-)