
Worst CCTV Picture Ever

Do you know this man?

Thought not.

Apparently he attacked a cabbie in Oswaldtwistle.

The attack in the summer saw the 50-year-old cab driver sustain substantial facial and head injuries with swelling and bruising and a significant facial laceration to his jaw which required corrective surgery.
The attacker is said to have struck when the victim pulled over in his vehicle to check his PDA handheld computer.
He opened the victim’s car door, made verbal threats before repeatedly striking his head and face with the hammer about 6.30pm in Rhyddings Street, Oswaldtwistle, on Thursday August 5.
Contact Accrington CID on 01254 353743 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
Don't call CID if the only place you recall seeing this man is on Star Trek. (Or playing with Blur. Geddit? Huh?)


Captain Ranty said...

I am SO fucking pleased that we have 5 million CCTV cameras in this country.

Well worth the loss of privacy and the all the spondoolicks we wasted on them...

If it catches an arch criminal like th...oh, wait.


D-Rex said...

Surely it's Alan Rickman in his role as Alexander Dane from Galaxy Quest

Dick Puddlecote said...

Quick! Arrest the lead singer of The Prodigy ... It's HIM, I tell ya!

Richard said...

Hmmm. Pretty clear it's man. Probably a little balding at the front, so possibly middle-aged, but could be prematurely bald, so maybe not. Two arms, possibly. Trenchcoat, maybe.

That eliminates, well, possibly 75% of the population. So that's narrowed it down to about 15m people. Fantastic technology. Tomorrow's World stuff. He'll be in chokey by tonight.

Bucko said...

Captian - With this kind of imigary, maybe we don't have to worry about loss of privacy. You'd think for the fuckin amount they spend on them though, you would at least be able to tell if they were human.

D-Rex - When I said he's not a star Trek charachter, maybe I should have also included Galaxy Quest. (And babylon 5 and Space Precinct and Farscape and....)

Dick P - It isn't the lead singer of Prodigy. He didn't smack is bitch up, it was a taxi driver he lamped.

Richard - Thats more detective work than we normally get from the fuzz!