
Gone in 157,680,000,000,000,000 seconds

A K Haart reminds us, via the Daily Mail, that the Earth only has five billion years left before the Sun kicks the bucket and takes the Solar System with it

The science is pretty much standard stuff that we all knew
In five billion years the Sun will expand into a red giant 100 times larger than now
And the reporting is pretty much what we'd expaect, as A K Haart says:
I could never be a journalist. It would never occur to me to use words such as terrifying and gruesome for an event predicted to occur in about five billion years. 
But by then, maybe some positives to look forward to?
Humans will be long gone, everything we have ever built will be long gone and Net Zero won't even be a memory of a memory. Even the language will have vanished, even the BBC licence fee will have come to an inglorious end - probably.
I wouldn't be surprised if the TV Licence fee survived the sun going nova, and the whole event was blamed on climate change, but humans long gone?

Nah. I'm a Trekkie and I reckon we'll be out exploring the galaxy Star Trek style, in the billions of years to come. Hell, that far in the future, we may even be living in a state of pure energy, having left our frail Earthly bodies behind long ago

I know Einstein said we cannot travel faster than light, so can't cross the vast distances of space necessary for space travel, but let's be honest here, Einstein was a bit of a moron

Ok, so the human race is still obviously well in it's infancy at the moment (Probably the toddler tantrum stage), so it's hard to imagine us ever achieving much beyond skriking and flinging feces (Metaphorically), but given a few millennia to grow up, I reckon we'll do better

One day, we'll be out there


A K Haart said...

Bucko said...

A K Haart said...

Bucko said...