
The horrors of Universal Credit

We've all heard about the horrors of the Universal Credit system and how it is forcing the 'most vulnerable in society' into abject poverty. We've heard about the thousands, if not millions of unfortunate people who have been made homeless due to this heartless system. We've even *doffs cap* heard about the countless people who have starved to death in the streets because of this pure evil system. And the body count continues to rise...

Examples of how Universal Credit is destroying lives, appear in the press on a daily basis. Take this unfortunate girl for example:

Single mother's struggle to make ends meet while on Universal Credit

Before you read on, I feel it necessary to warn you that this tale of a poor young girl and her small baby, being forced into utter destitution by the evil Tories, through no fault of her own, may well destroy your faith in humanity and persuade you to go and live a life of quiet humility in a back woods Italian monastery. You have been warned...
A MOTHER has been unable to heat her home for more than a week after struggling to live on her Universal Credit payments
The horror! Can you believe it? A week in May without heating. But it gets worse...
Savannah Burke said she has barely enough money to buy food for her and her 12-week-old son, Leo, after she had to put her forensic science and criminal investigation degree on hold to care for him
*Sheds a silent tear*
You see, she is trying her best. She's going to university and studying for a degree so she can get a job and begin contributing to society. I understand that her chosen career path is a difficult one; that there are many more people with degrees than there are jobs available in this field (One job to 500 degrees, I've heard) and that the odds of her getting a job in the forensic sciences are astronomical, but I'm confident she will be the one. You see, she knows what she's doing as she's watched every episode of CSI. She done her homework
The 21-year-old, who recently moved to Accrington from Blackburn, said she currently gets around £700 in payments
Not barely enough. Who could possibly survive on that? It doesn't even cover the essentials, such as:
Her monthly costs include £400 rent, £70 council tax
A roof over your head is necessary, is it not? She can't go and live with her parents as there's just not enough room. The childs' father cannot contribute anything towards the rent as he's a deadbeat. Expecting him to cough up would be against his human rights as a waster
£29 home insurance
That might seem excessive for a £400pcm gaff in Accrington, but she might have a lot of stuff to insure, you know, family heirlooms and stuff. Accy is not a place to live if you're going to skimp on contents insurance
£60 for gas and electric on a meter
It's been very cold this May
£270 for a car through finance, £33 car insurance
The car is of course, absolutely essential for a student. It's imperative that you make it to your lectures on time, so you can't skimp by buying a cheap second hand car, or God forbid, using public transport. £270 per month for a brand new car is totally justifiable in this day and age of entitlement and instant gratification
television and internet costs coming to £70
Let's face it, Freeview just doesn't cut it. A constant diet of Sky TV is essential for anyone claiming benefits, not just students and single mothers, but chavs, alcoholics and deadbeats too. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure there's an EU human rights clause about Sky TV, right next to clean drinking water and a trial by Jury
Ms Burke, who is in her third year at the University of Central Lancashire, said she has tried to get help from the Department for Work and Pensions, Lancashire County Council’s crisis support scheme and Citizens Advice but has not been able to get any extra support.
Disgraceful. That baby will be twice as big in a few months, so she's going to need a bigger house and one of those huge prams that resembles a slightly smaller Toyota Land Cruiser
She said: “I have been thinking about having to get a full time job but I don’t know how I’m going to do that, care for my baby and carry on with my dissertation as I need to carry on with that while I’m off.
She's going about it the right way. It's standard practise to think about the practicalities of life after you've thrown it down the toilet
“I have had several jobs and did work through college so it’s not like I have never worked and am abusing the system. I am worrying so much.”
She's right. This girl is certainly no scrounger. She once had a Saturday job on the veg market, so by God, she's paid her dues
A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “Ms Burke is getting the full amount she’s entitled to
You know what? I would say that she's getting far more than she's entitled to. Far more than she deserves. Every one of this girls problems are of her own making and now she expects the taxpayer to step in and sort it all out
What made this article even more entertaining than it could have been, was the comments section. 70 comments and climbing, most of which have zero sympathy for this girl and her situation. And when the comments got to about 30, she waded in herself and tried to justify the whole thing. LOLZ as they say

She had a part time job when she took out the finance agreement, so could afford the £270 per month car. Justified
She was on contraception when she got pregnant. Justified
The father has no money so can't contribute. Justified
The internet is for Uni. Justified
She can't live with her parents due to space. Justified

And no article about Universal Credit would be complete without the following little soundbite:
“I have to chose between heating and eating.”



Clipping Path said...
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JuliaM said...

"You know what? I would say that she's getting far more than she's entitled to. Far more than she deserves. "


Anonymous said...

Send the lady to me. I did 3 degrees as a single parent of 3 (7, 5, and 4 years old at the time) with a mortgage to pay on income support. (that's what it was called at the time)
The help that was provided to me at the time didn't allow for a car. I parked mine off road for years until I could afford to run it again.

I take it that the state covers the degree tuition fee as it did in my case. I took that as an additional pressure to become a tax payer asap.

Forensic science degree? As interesting as this field is, this country has 1 forensic scince lab left in Bristol/near Bristol. Hence, there will be NO JOB!
Work it out! 1 place available as the lab's gofer - 3000 applicants. And, in which other country is this degree valid? (Let alone learning another language?)

And no article about Universal Credit would be complete without the following little soundbite:
“I have to chose between heating and eating.”

Oh!!! They learn fast from a lot of pensioners who were on income support 30 years ago....

Beobrigitte (who else?)

Macheath said...

Something isn't quite stacking up here...

- 'still employed; just on maternity'; as some comments ask, does that not imply another source of income? (And don't forget child benefit - £80+ per month should cover all the baby's needs at that age, despite her baffling reference to 'food for her and her 12-week-old son' - they aren't exactly tucking into steak and chips at that age).

- 'recently moved from Blackburn to Accrington', ie in the opposite direction from the university - although there appears to be a good train link (so no need for the car). Incidentally, I'd be surprised if the CAB and other agencies wouldn't negotiate on her behalf with Sky/the car company - unless, of course, she went in there demanding that they pay the bills for her and let her keep the TV/internet/car. Speaking of which...

- 'a Seat Leon'; even if she were earning, surely a far larger and more powerful car than needed by a single part-time worker/student and her baby. (Though perhaps the baby's father had something to do with the choice. Speaking of whom...)

- 'at the moment he has the old house to sort leaving no disposable income.' Not entirely sure what she means, but it does imply the father (if 'he' is he) has some source of income which could be attached for child support.

- 'choose between heating and eating' 'My family had to buy my food in for me this month'. Hmm....

Some time ago, I wrote a piece on how benefits had reduced any expectation that families would look after their own where possible, leaving the state to focus on those unlucky few without relatives who can temporarily take up the slack. Surely if anyone is to help her continue living in the style to which she has become accustomed, it should be her nearest and dearest (not to mention the father of the baby) rather than the state.

Perhaps someone should try explaining to Ms Burke the principle of the Tragedy of the Commons; if the system were open-ended and able to meet all claimants' wants rather than needs, how long before it was bankrupt and unable to help anyone at all?

I can sympathise with her on some points - metered electricity is expensive and changing circumstances can catch is all - but the strong sense of entitlement pervading this story has Zeitgeist written all over it.

Sorry for rambling - and thanks for providing such thought-provoking material and comment!

Bucko said...

Brigitte - We discussed most of this on Saturday night, but my favourite part is the degree. I knew it was very difficult to get work in that field and she obviously knows very little about the situation, but until we talked, I didn't know exactly how bad it was.
Taking that into account along with her inflated sense of entitlement, this girl (and her child) do not stand a chance in life unless she has a serious attitude shift

Bucko said...

Macheath - Long time no speak. Hope you're well
There is a great deal about all this that does not make sense, but it's difficult to blame it on bad reporting this time, as she's right there in the comments putting her size tens in her gob
I think universal credit does away with child benefit, but yes, everything she is getting from the state appears to be on top of an existing wage
Public transport from Blackburn to Accrington is definately adequate, so no car required. I wouldn't like to be reliant on public transport, but if I was in her shoes, the car would be the first thing to go. I'm unsure why she's paying so much for it though, as higher end cars than that can be financed for less. Very silly to get a brand new car on a part time wage in my opinion. Do young people not buy bangers anymore?
I know a chap who got in trouble with car finance. The company just came and took the car back. It would make a mess of credit scores, but at her age, she'll bounce back and probably learn a vital life lesson
I'm a big fan of families helping each other out and benefits being a last resort. The problem with the modern sense of entitlement is that benefits have become the first resort and often a long term resort. It is past Governments that have taught people to think like this though. The whole system needs a serious overhaul

It seems you have more sympathy than I. Circumstances certainly can change through no fault of your own, but this girl has taken no precautions against that happening and in my opinion, done everything she can to ensure that if she did find herself in hard times, the pain is going to be as big as it possibly can. And now she's blaming everyone but herself