I don't know about you, but I'm so tired of hearing about the new, pint sized climate change activist from Sweden, young Miss Greta Thunberg. She's creating a little bit of a sensation among the green activists and the media, but she's just a child, a mouthpiece. She's being fed words and ideas by her parents and repeating them on cue. And as usually happens with brainwashed children, she likely believes everything she is being told and is probably terrified that the end of the world is nigh. Poor kid doesn't stand a chance
If Shameena Begone was groomed and too young to understand what she was doing, surely Greta 'Wednesday Adams' Thunberg is too? I'm sorry, I know name calling should be beneath me, but it's hard to remain objective with these green lunatics
And it's perfect for the loonies, a new messiah, the untouchable child. Disagree with her and you're bullying a vulnerable sixteen year old girl. Her word must be law, even if in truth, she ain't saying it
And they're lapping it up, the media, the activists and the Government alike. they're round her like flies on shit, all ears waiting for the next piece of wisdom to spring forth
Greta Thunberg is right – only a general strike will force action on climate change
They want economic chaos in order to bring about action on climate change. And what will action on climate change bring about? Economic chaos. But of course we're not dealing with rational people here, we're dealing with closet (but often open) Communists. They hate Capitalism in all it's forms and the end game of climate change activism, is it's complete destruction. They're demanding exactly what the Government wants them to demand: Higher taxes and more Government control. The end of democracy
Climate Change is the biggest scam in human history apart from religion. We are not affecting the climate. We cannot change the climate by becoming poorer. The climate is not a problem
That's not to say that we don't have other environmental issues across a wide spectrum. The activists are of course aware of this, they're definitely not single issue. Burning fossil fuels, air pollution from coal, oil, diesel, plastics in the ocean, mountains of landfill, they'll have a pop at them all. The trouble is, their only solutions to these problems are the same; destroy capitalism, make everyone poorer
Some of these issues are things we need to keep our eyes on so they don't get out of control, but you know what, they don't really matter either
What many people tend to forget is that the human race is still very much in it's infancy. In the grand scheme of things, we can't lift our own heads and are still shitting in nappies. We have a long, long way to go before we can deal with our issues. I'm not just talking a couple of generations, I'm talking evolution
Not many years have past since we first figured out how to extract dinosaurs from the earth and use them to power machines. Even less years have past since we discovered how to make abundant energy from splitting atoms. These are both very primitive technologies, worthy of a primitive species. We are aware of much more advanced technologies, such as nuclear fusion, we just don't know how to create them yet. As we grow, we will find out. We will move from dirty and dangerous nuclear fission and eventually move on to clean and abundant fusion. After that, who knows
The problem with the green lobby is that they want to solve all our problems now. The only way to do that would be to go back in time, not forward, which would cause many more problems of it's own
The green lobby see a fuel like nuclear fission, that creates radioactive waste and they say we shouldn't use it because it damages the environment. I say bugger that. If we are going to grow, we need to use the technologies available to use, learn more about them, adopt them, improve on them, make them better, cleaner, safer and more efficient, not abandon them
Yes, for a while we will create some minor problems. Plastic in the sea, nuclear waste, air pollution, depletion of resources. But we will get over it, we'll move beyond these minor issues if we embrace what we know and learn from it to grow as a people
The green lobby say we have no right to leave environmental problems to the next generation. I say we owe it to generations in hundreds or thousands of years to find the technologies that the human race needs to survive in the long term and not to let ourselves stagnate and become afraid of what we can do, just because of a few misguided but very vocal campaigners
Our generation, our kids and their kids may have to put up with a bit of a smelly planet, but in the long run, we need to embrace our current issues and keep improving if the human race is to have a long term future
I wrote this post on Friday and scheduled it for after the weekend. When I got home from work on Friday I found out that our Government, in it's infinite wisdom, has declared a climate emergency
This is a direct result of doing what they are told by this one annoying Swedish girl. Our parliament is now run by literal children
As you can see above, I've never been concerned about climate change as it's obviously a scam. I've also never been overly concerned about many of the environmental issues about us, as I have faith in our ability to deal with them
This declaration of a climate emergency scares the hell out of me though, I don't mind saying
It could mean anything. Worst case scenario (which knowing how our leaders operate, it will probably come to), would mean the suspension of democracy that I spoke about above. With a declared emergency and emergency powers to deal with it, the Government can do anything they want and there's nothing we can do about it, as they have all the guns
Do you know what the Civil Contingencies Act is and what it can do? If not, I suggest Googling it. You may just end up as scared as I am right now
That's why our lobbyists want 16 year olds to be able to VOTE; they can't legally drink or smoke a cigarette, but they can VOTE. I don't hear them complaining about this because they are stupid, gullible kids like we were at that age.
The green lobby say we have no right to leave environmental problems to the next generation.
With e.g. the electric cars we do. How are we generate the electricity required to run these cars when our current requirement causes us to build wind farm that destroy wild life? (remember the last Scottish bird watching disaster?) And, WHAT are we generating that huge amount of electricity required from? Coal?
Long-term thinking interferes with the Green Lobby's profit.
The green lobby see a fuel like nuclear fission, that creates radioactive waste and they say we shouldn't use it because it damages the environment. I say bugger that.
I say Thorium. Abundant and melt-down safe. And very little waste to bury in old salt mines, too. No ugly wind farms that take the last breeding pair of birds out of the sky and plenty of cheap (!) electricity.
Having said that, we do need to find new technologies and electric cars will no doubt be part of that. We need viable battery technology coupled with viable electricity generation though, and we're not there yet, so moving towards reliance on the technology we have now is a big mistake
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