Blogging from Normady. Day 1 - The only way to travel
280 mile road trip by night Big ferry. Still with no indoor smoking accommodation 89 year old man who hates the smoking ban. (There's one everywhere you go these days)
We set out on the journey at 11pm Saturday evening after spending most of the day in bed. By the time we get to France our body clocks are going to be all over the place. Ah well, at least there's beer.
I'm not a big fan of driving by night but at least the pop up headlights on the Probe added a little comedy value. Mostly it was boring. Motorways and pee breaks at service stations.
There was two things I needed to arrange before the trip. One was breakdown recovery which I forgot to do. I've never really needed breakdown in the past. I only tend to travel local for the most part, and if it's a breakdown that I can't repair with the extensive tool kit in my boot, Mrs Bucko can always come and tow me home.
The second was a spare wheel. When I bought the car there wasn't one in the boot. I went to the local scrappy last week and picked up one of those space saver ones. When I got it home it didn't fit. I was supposed to go back this Saturday to replace it but again, I forgot. Driving 280 miles without a spare is really not a wise thing to do.
Fortunately we made it to the ferry without incident. I was actually quite proud at how well the Probe performed. It looks like I might have actually bought a good one this time. If we break down on the way back I can always call my mate who has a recovery company and he will make me pay through the nose for a lift home on the back of a flat bed.
That's no good going down though, a breakdown could have ruined the holiday and Mrs Bucko would have been quite upset. At least she saw the funny side when I lost my passport.
We're doing the channel crossing on a Brittany Ferry called the Mont St Michelle. It seems to be quite a bit bigger than the PandO that takes us to Belgium for the bacci cruise but still it doesn't accommodate smokers inside. The Belgium ship has more than enough space, this one could fit the town of Stony Stratford in a smoking room.
Having said that, the outside decks put the Pride of Brugges to shame.
(1) The cabins have a bit of comedy value. Those who have been on the ferry to Brugges will remember the cabins with the smoking shower room and the single bunk beds. We went into our cabin on this ferry and it was exactly the same except no beds, just a couch.
I thought hang on a minute, I booked a room with bunk beds. We can't share a couch to sleep on. Of course the couch was a fold out bed but it was still only a single. After much head scratching I spotted a small lever in the ceiling which released the top bunk out of the roof. Balmy!
Travelling by boat is far better then flying. Going by plane wastes an entire day and includes about four hours of stark terror as you sit at 30,000 feet in a thing that really has no business getting off the ground.
The trip to Normandy from start to finish is only four hours longer for us than it takes to fly to Greece, and when flying abroad you can't crash out on your bunk or sit at a bar supping a pint. The highlight of your day is having a giggle at the gaggle of security morons. I'd go everywhere by boat if I could.
Earlier I was chatting to an old man who was sitting out here having a fag. Apparently he's spending a couple of weeks with relatives in France while he has a kitchen extension done. He doesn't need the kitchen extension, he lives on his own and doesn't need the extra space. Apparently his kids talked him into it. There may be a bit of inheritance kerching going on there or that could just be my cynical side.
The conversation turned to the war on smokers, as it invariably does when you are outside with the other exiles. He asked me how old he was. Not wishing to offend, as I'm terrible at guessing ages I said 70. (I would really have guessed at 75 to 80). He told me he is actually 89 and has been a smoker all his adult life.
He said that all the people he knew from school are long passed and they never smoked. He also went on to tell me a story about an 'old boy' he once knew who passed away two days before his hundredth birthday. He was a pipe smoke all his life.
I never got the old chaps name in the end but I did get his views on tobacco control, health and smoking being a cause of cancer:
Couldn't put it better myself.
I can't say what will get the old fellah in the end but it's more likely being exposed to the elements on the wet and windy deck of a ship than it is smoking.
And it is wet and windy. Holidays are supposed to be about the sun but the outlook for Normandy over the next week is pants.
Oh well, we didn't come on the one for the sun, we came for the education.
I'm off to find something hideously expensive to eat.
More later. Bye for now.
*Four hours later*
We've arrived. And guess what, we got hopelessly lost the minute we touched dry land. I'm sure Googles directions were spot on but for some reason all the road signs here are in a foreign language. It doesn't help when you are concentrating on driving on the wrong side of the road either.
Asking directions was a bit of a chore. Most of the folk over here only speak a bit of broken English. The Greeks speak such good English, so often that they couldn't be bothered listening to me try out my rudimentary, BBC tapes, Greek on them. They just reverted to English as soon as I said hello.
I suppose I could have learned a few French phrases before coming here but I hate that language. They all sound like they are struggling to talk through a gob full of phlegm.
We're here now and that's the main thing. Probably just have an overpriced meal and a few scoops before going to bed.
Having sold our little Normandy house earlier this year I haven't been over for a few months. I would rather drive all day in France than in England, the roads are much better and less crowded. If I remember correctly you are allowed a pack of tobacco or 20 ciggs duty free bought from the bar on the Mont St Michel while at sea, but if the staff change you can have a second go (and they don't care too much anyhow) and also ask any non-smokers you can collar to buy some for you.
Woodsy - Yes we've been driving a lot today and the roads are far better than England.
As for the bacci and cigs, I got the impression on the way down that you could buy as much as you like. I bought 100 cigars at a bargain price but the fags and bacci seemed to be quite expensive by comparrisson
I went to Normandy for a week on a school exchange trip.Highlight for me was the V weapon factory.If I remember correctly,one of Barnes-Wallaces' Tallboy bombs cracked the roof.I remember being impressed by the doors - 12 foot thick steel reinforced concrete..the Clouseau style guide had us in stitches too - it was all 'end zer beumb crack-ed zer reuf'.. Watch out for those fake sausages - they look like big juicy porkers,but when you cut into them,they're filled with some foul tasting gloop.
Northern Git - W haven't seen that yet but will look out for it. We did see a V1 at the Grand Bunker Museum, looks quite a weapon. We'll watch out for those sausages too, thanks for the warning :-)
Julia - That was on the boat so nothing special there, just expensive. I get what you mean about the French food though. I had a sirloin steak last night and without exaggurating, it was better than any steak I've had in England (and I have a lot). Mrs B had butterfly chicken. I find chick bland to say the least but this cheese sauce she had on it tirned it into something else.
We're off to a fish restaurant tonight as Mrs B want mussels. I expect more of the same.
"As for the bacci and cigs, I got the impression on the way down that you could buy as much as you like. "
You can buy what you like in the ferry shop, but I think that's at french price. I found rolling tobacco as cheap in a rural french Tabac (7euro for 40gm pouch) - if you dare attempt to buy their strange brands in a foreign language - there's a challenge for you :-). The meagre ration allowed at the ferry bar is I believe real duty free - presumably because it's intended for use while at sea?
(Hint - tobacco branded as 'Interval Blonde' is one I quite like)
Last time I ventured over there into 'foreign' I got a new disc for the sat nag in the Jag....
Sat nag? Is that the Mrs in the passenger seat?
Parlez nez tous un petit pou Francaise?
If not, you are braver than I am.
If I remember correctly you are allowed a pack of tobacco or 20 ciggs duty free bought from the bar on the Mont St Michel while at sea, but if the staff change you can have a second go (and they don't care too much anyhow) and also ask any non-smokers you can collar to buy some for you.
"Oui, Jaime le jambon"
Woodsy - Yes we've been driving a lot today and the roads are far better than England.
As for the bacci and cigs, I got the impression on the way down that you could buy as much as you like. I bought 100 cigars at a bargain price but the fags and bacci seemed to be quite expensive by comparrisson
Watch out for those fake sausages - they look like big juicy porkers,but when you cut into them,they're filled with some foul tasting gloop.
We'll watch out for those sausages too, thanks for the warning :-)
Ahhh, bet you didn't find it! The food in France is to die for, from the grandest restaurant to the smallest little cafe...
I get what you mean about the French food though. I had a sirloin steak last night and without exaggurating, it was better than any steak I've had in England (and I have a lot).
Mrs B had butterfly chicken. I find chick bland to say the least but this cheese sauce she had on it tirned it into something else.
We're off to a fish restaurant tonight as Mrs B want mussels. I expect more of the same.
You can buy what you like in the ferry shop, but I think that's at french price. I found rolling tobacco as cheap in a rural french Tabac (7euro for 40gm pouch) - if you dare attempt to buy their strange brands in a foreign language - there's a challenge for you :-).
The meagre ration allowed at the ferry bar is I believe real duty free - presumably because it's intended for use while at sea?
(Hint - tobacco branded as 'Interval Blonde' is one I quite like)
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