The Con-Dems have been in power for what, six months now? What have they achieved? In my opinion, nothing. When they first came in they gave us a biggy to sweeten the deal and scrapped ID cards.
That was nice, but that was only one of many many things they needed to do but haven't even begun yet. How hard can it be to show some leadership and take some direct action?
Take the students for example. How hard can it be to say to the students, this is not your money your are demanding. When you have completed your course you will be on a good wage and will be able to pay for your tuition. Other people who are probably earning less than you will be, should not have to pay for you.
That applies to the useful courses that will produce good careers. What about the crap like David Beckham studies or nail art? How hard can it be to explain to students that Labours dream of getting fifty percent of the population into university education was misguided and damaging. To explain that when everyone has a degree in any old rubbish, it devalues the meaning of a degree and hurts all students in university education. To explain that we need fewer students and fewer universities, that tertiary education should be limited to the elite who are intelligent and dedicated, that trying to level the playing field for all does not improve the life chances of the less intelligent but damages the chance of the brainier students who have been dragged down to a level of mediocrity.
It doesn't stop at education but carries right on into work.
How hard can it be to slash the numerous layers of red tape, created by Labour, that hinder business performance? How hard can it be to explain to workers that wage is dictated by market forces, not legislation; that if you do not perform well in your job you will not be allowed to keep it; that you do not have the right to not be offended by simple office banter and that if you injure yourself because of your own stupidity, you must deal with the consequences; that you will be hired, fired or promoted based on your abilities and performance , not because of you colour, gender or sexual preferences.
How hard can it be to explain to people that if you choose to have a baby, you can't take a year of work and expect your employer to pay for it; that when you have had your child, you can go home from work whenever it pleases you because it's bumped it's head or has an upset tummy.
And those who choose not to work, bless 'em. How hard can it be to explain to these people that someone has to work hard to make the money it costs to keep them at home drinking stella; that a bad back, agrophobia or depression does not mean you are unable to work and should be supported by the tax payer for evermore.
How hard can it be to explain to disabled people that they cannot expect to be able to do all the things that other people can?
And how hard can it be to let people enjoy their free time without interference from the government or others who think they know better than you?
How hard is it to explain to anti-smokers that it's the landlord of a pub who gets to decide who he allows on the premises; to explain that what adults choose to eat is their own business, even if it contains fat, salt, sugar or was bought within a mile of a school; to explain that the price of booze does not cause drunken violence; the design on a fag packet does not encourage children to smoke and covering you face does not make you a terrorist.
How hard is it to tell ASH, CASH, BRAKE etc, to mind their own business and stop them trying to make policy because they have not been elected by anyone?
How hard can it be to explain to a frightened public that getting naked in an airport does not protect you from terrorism and banning the lawful use of handguns does not protect you from crime and neither does CCTV and ANPR cameras; that control orders punish those you can't prove comitted a crime, and stop and search almost never catches criminals but inconveniences the innocent.
How hard can it be to explain to people that if they injure themselves through their own carelessness, the criminal injury compensation system will not make you independently wealthy.
All these things could have been done by now. Seriously, how hard can it be?
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