
Not Far Wrong

Further to my post earlier today (below), the term 'Far Right' seems to be trending in my news feed

Correct me if I'm wrong, but reading reports of all the atrocities that seem to be happening in our country, sometimes on a daily basis, I don't ever remember reading the word, 'Muslim'. And certainly not, 'Illegal Immigrant'

Some Muslims attack, punch, stab, beat, riot, loot, burn and murder they way through life in the UK, yet the closest the media ever get to a criticism, is something about mental illness. 

Locals get pissed off with it, and suddenly the whole of merrie England is country full of far right thugs
As long as the Government and media keep doubling down on blaming the white folk and calling us all names, while totally ingnoring the root causes of peoples anger, I don't see these troubles improving any time soon


Emily said...

Bucko said...

JuliaM said...

The Jannie said...

JuliaM said...

Bucko said...