
Idiots Discover Wind

Before they set sail, Mr Clibbery, a Canadian, said in a video posted on April 12: “We’re doing everything we can to show that you can travel without burning fossil fuels.”
It's wierd. These two idiots went out on a sailing boat to prove the above, and ended up dead
A couple who embarked on a “green odyssey” across the Atlantic were found dead in a lifeboat after being forced to abandon their wind and solar-powered yacht.
Did they think their wind powered sea-fairing vessel was the first one in existance? These eco-loons really do have a cheek. They want us to abandon the comfort and ease of modern technology and thrust us back into the past. To do so, they pluck something out of the past and say, 'look how good this is'.

Like sailing boats. Boats with sails are still in use and do still have their purposes, but for general global travel, they are fossils (see what I did there) from a bygone time. 
Let's get rid of cars as we've found something much better. This long faced animal has a leg in each corner and a bit in the middle you can sit on. Who needs cars?

Yes, you daft Darwin award winners, we all know you can sail the Atlantic without fossil fules, we just don't want to. 
We just went to Corfu for a few days and of coursee, we took a plane. Three hours (in the air) flight time, but on a sail boat, it would take months
Also, the cost of a wind and solar powered yatch would presumably only mean the super rich or entitled middle class eco-wallys could afford it

With the use of fossil fuels, the average prson can travel great distances, quickly, safley and cheaply. 

You paid a high price to demonstrate something that we all aready know about and don't care


Anonymous said...

Bucko said...

The Jannie said...

Bucko said...