
The Guardian wants you!

I'm not sure when the begging paragraph at the bottom of Guardian articles changed, but it's the first time I've read this one
So it's clear the Guradian don't like billionaires, but we already knew that. Even though billionaires create jobs and wealth that benfits everyone
And it's clear the Guardian don't like fossil fuel executives, but we already knew that too. Even though they create energy that we use to heat our homes, cook our food and power our transport and infrastructure
And it's clear they don't like populist politicians, but we already knew that one too. Even though populism, by definition, is doing what the people want

Yes, we already knew that. I didn't know this bit though:
And do you know who does like us? People who believe in a free press. People who believe that the truth should be available to everyone. And people who recognise the importance of challenging those in positions of power and influence. Does that sound like you?
Well yes that does sound like me. I believe in free press and that the truth should be available to everyone, although I don't ever remamber seeing the truth in the Guardian
I believe in challenging those in power, but all I ever seem to see in the Guardian, is demand for more power and more influence, for our glorious leaders

Yes, that does sound like me, but I certainly do not, never, not in any way, not at all, not on this Earth, like the Guardian

Presumptious bastards


The Jannie said...

Bucko said...

A K Haart said...

Bucko said...