
Cock or no cock

Put trans criminals in female jails to help with their gender identity, says Scottish prison service
All of them?
No, not all the trans criminals, all the Scottish Prison Service. Do they all really think this is a good idea? I suspect this has just come from one woke idiot who has been promoted above his brain level, but as it's behind a paywall, I can't check that for sure. I bet you're not wagering against me though
Trans criminals should serve time in female jails to allow them to prepare for life as women on release
One would assume, if they are trans, then they are already prepared for life as women and have been living as women for some time. Or are these just the male criminals who exploit the system and turn 'trans' the minute they are looking at time inside.

One good way to weed out the grifters would be to look at what gender they identified as when they comitted the crime. There is precedent for it

Of course it shouldn't matter. The prison system should not be affirming mental illness any more than they should be allowing grifters to exploit the system. If you were born male, you should go to a male prison. Object? Don't do the crime

I wonder how many female criminals are asking to be locked up in mens prisons?


A K Haart said...

Bucko said...

The Jannie said...

Bucko said...

Anonymous said...