
Trans gender lunacy

What in holy hell are our state schools doing to kids today?

Infant school praised by Ofsted ‘for allowing its transgender pupils to express themselves’

This is an infant school. It 'educates' children under ten, yet it actually believes that at such a young age, children are aware of so called, gender issues, and can even be 'transgender' themselves.

Schools are labelling children as young as four as ‘transgender’ simply because they want to dress up as the opposite sex.
Little boys who like wearing dresses or tutus are being encouraged to express themselves in a ‘gender-neutral environment’ in the classroom.
And while many parents may question how any school can make such a judgment about a child so young, Ofsted is apparently in no doubt.
The education watchdog lavished praise on schools where it said ‘transgender pupils are taken seriously’.
One infants’ school, catering for four to seven-year-olds, was applauded for its ‘excellent work’ with ‘pupils who are or may be transgender’.

No child between four and seven years old is or may be transgender. When I was that age none of us had any idea about sexuality  or the PC gender leftist crap that schools are promoting these days. That was right, that was the way it should be. Nobody has any business labelling a young child as homosexual, and let's face it, that's what transgender means.

Primary school children are far too young for any of this, they should be enjoying their childhood and taking the first steps towards a useful education. Young minds should not be filled with this bollocks.

Take a look at this poor kid:

A boy. I shit you not
The child in this picture is a boy. He is being encouraged to behave in a 'non-gender stereotypical way'. When this young boy grows up to be a heterosexual male, these experiences and this picture in the national press will haunt him. That's assuming he manages to grow up as a normal person and not a raving loony. God knows, his parents never gave him a chance.

We hear so much talk about stamping out bullying, yet this kid is being set up to be found swinging from a rafter in his bedroom in his late teenage years.

The so called parents who are raising this child should not be parading him in the media while saying look how modern we are, they should be hanging their heads in shame and begging forgiveness from a society that is tired of their crap.
‘The school choir and sewing club both include plenty of boys and many girls play football.’
So what? We are talking about hobbies here, things that people like to do. I used to love playing hockey at school. That was because it was an enjoyable game and was one of the few PE activities I was actually good at. It had nothing at all to do with gender stereotyping, a phrase invented by the PC crowd in order to secure funding I think.

Thanks to New Labour we are churning out generations of illiterate morons. Thanks to the sorry excuse for politicians that formed the coalition, the situation doesn't look like changing any time soon.

How many young people are currently unemployed? At least they won't be worrying about 'gender issues' while they are waiting in the dole queue.

If we are going to save our broken society, some people seriously need to cowboy up.


The Filthy Engineer said...

I was taught knitting at school. But I didn't wear a dress to learn it.

Bucko said...

FE - And you turned into a Filthy Engineer. A gender stereotypical occupation if ever I heard one :-)

JuliaM said...

There's probably targets for it.

Good god, we're doomed. And we deserve that doom for allowing this.

Bucko said...

Julia - "we're doomed". Although we probably won't be around for it, it should be interesting to see what rises from the ashes of the world we once knew.

Longrider said...

Nobody has any business labelling a young child as homosexual, and let's face it, that's what transgender means.

Mmm... Not sure about this. I have a nephew who has decided that he is transsexual and now dresses as a woman. He has a parter who has decided that she is gay. It just so happens that her "girlfriend" has a penis.

Think about it... ;)

Bucko said...

Eeesh! That's complicated :-)

Robert the Biker said...

Longrider: I trust that your nephew was not 5 at the time.
As Bucko says, it sounds like they had to spend some time working out who would do which with what and to whom (paraphrasing a bit here : ) ) When I drove a cab in Toronto, I had a regular customer who wore a dress and described himself as a 'male lesbian'. He was a real hoot.

Bucko said...

Robert the biker - So I presume he was into women then? Or... Oh dear!

I'm trying to figure out if I would be willing to wear a skirt to get a lesbian and how cute she would have to be.

Robert the Biker said...

Bucko: As I understood it, he did quite well with both the 'regular' women and the more feminine of the lesbians. Bit of a niche market I should think.

Bucko said...

Hmmm, Interesting.

Anonymous said...

"some people seriously need to cowboy up."

You haven't seen Brokeback Mountain, have you?

Bucko said...

True Mr Crun, I have not seen Brokeback Mountain. That must be the one where the cowboys are encouraged to express thier diversity in a gender neutral wild west

Longrider said...

No, my nephew wasn't five at the time - but that wasn't my point. It was in response to Bucko's point about it being tied in with homosexuality. Frankly, what my nephew has is what the rest of us would call a heterosexual relationship. Ahem.

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