
School rules

We've been here before and we'll be here again.

Schoolgirl, 14, who dyed hair bright red is made to study in isolation for a week 'until it settles down'

Her parents are livid of course.Obviously not with the kid for dying her hair but with her school for not allowing the brat to express herself.
She [The mum] said: ‘Children should be allowed to express themselves,...
No they shouldn't, they should be made to follow the rules until they are adults. From then on they can pay their money and take their chance.

Some parents do their kids no favours these days.


Humph said...

Schools. You can't live with 'em, them, you can't blow 'em up.

In 2 weeks I'm having to go to a 'prom' (whatever that might be) which includes a leavers presentation where, yep you guessed it, everyone gets a prize.

I want to go, you know, to be there for my precious baby girl (she's 12!), but please just stop all this pussification with a capital US.

Prom! FFS.

Humph said...

Obviously the extra 'them' is only there because I can't stop worrying about 'them' being out to get me.

Bucko said...

Humph - A prom? As if we need that American rubbish. Will she be celebrating Independance Day at school too?
And I can't be doing with that everyone gets a prize rubbish either. How are you supposed to award acheivement like that?

JuliaM said...

Ahhh, yes! This was a classic Homo Knickerstwistius defending its offspring situation..

Have a post cued up - will link.

Bucko said...

LOL! That name's gonna stick! And cheers Julia

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Humph said...

Schools. You can't live with 'em, them, you can't blow 'em up. XX

Why not?