
Saturday (I don't want to blog about politics) night

Well things have dried off a little since last nights deluge. River Darwen is still bloated but it's back in it's banks and coping once again. We need a few dry days now just to get things back to normal, otherwise I think the flooding could be back with a vengeance.

The roads are clear again but there's an inch of mud and crap covering the surfaces.

Following the theme, here's a funny video courtesy of Microdave,


Already people are in the Lancashire Telegraph blaming the council for the floods rather than ten inches of rain in twelve hours. Having said that, I've not seen someone who was actually directly affected complaining yet. A flood is usually followed up by a story of a homeowner blaming the council and seeking compensation, and it's not because they don't have insurance, oh no, it's the principle :-)

Some of the commenters have a sense of humour though:
sonny says...
11:00am Sat 23 Jun 12
Just gods way of giving that craphole town and its residents a good wash.
Cheeky bastard :-)
louderfasterlonger says...
10:00am Sat 23 Jun 12
I was evacuated from the pub and had to find one on higher ground.... alas the taxi didn't turn up and i had to walk through the torrents.
Funnily enough, I wasn't thinking "the corporation's to blame for this"
Would I have a claim for a new pair of brogues ?
Evacuated from the pub? I've drank in pubs and even run them through floods, power cuts etc. A good old situation seems to bring punters together. I think it breaks up the monotony of their otherwise dull lives. It certainly makes them spend more anyway. (Before the smoking ban).

We used to drink in Blackburn Ice Arena when I was in my late teens. We didn't go for the skating, we went for the longest bar in Europe. It was then, I've had bigger bars than their current one in my house.

One day there was a bomb scare and they evacuated the whole arena. Apart from us, we were still sat supping on the balcony with the entire arena for ourselves. We lasted about twenty minutes before the barmaid noticed us missing and came back in for us.

I got lucky with a girl that night that I had fancied for ages but for some reason we never got together after. It's funny what you remember. What a missed opportunity. It's amazing what hindsight can do. For example, I once met these two girls.....

...On second thoughts, better not.

I'm off out for a few scoops with some mates tonight. Don't get out much these days so I'm looking forward to it. If it's anything like our last few raucous nights out though, I'll probably be back home in bed for 11:00. Getting old is a sod.

My arse is getting fat, my hair is receding faster than River Darwen this morning and anything more than a few scoops makes me want to go home and get settled.

Maybe I'm due a mid life crisis? I bought a Ford Probe so that's a start. All I need now is a pony tail and an eighteen year old bird.

Have a good Saturday night!


microdave said...

Cheers for the linky.

"Just gods way of giving that craphole town and its residents a good wash"

On a slightly related note, I had to provide "emergency repairs" at my friends farm today. We've had plenty of thunderstorms and downpours, his power had gone off, then the generator packed up! As I was returning home I passed a pumping station with 2 water board vans parked outside. A little further along I discovered what sort of pumping station, as the flood water across the road had a distinctly unpleasant whiff... You could say I've been through the motions!

Bucko said...

Sounds lovely :-)