
Classic film night

There are some classic fims that are in the public domain. Over the next few Sundays I will be showing a few. Grab yourself a large drink and popcorn, sit back and enjoy.

Flight to Mars
Language: English
Country: USA
Year: 1951 Director: Lesley Selander
Starring: Marguerite Chapman; Cameron Mitchell
Genres: Sci Fi &; Fantasy
Synopsis: A newspaper man and a group of scientist head-off to meet the Martians.
More Info:


Anonymous said...

I love it - thank you!

Anonymous said...

I think that Plan 9 and Robot Monster are also available.

They are going to Mars and there's less buggerising about than a flight to Southampton.

"Carol's snapper kept floating up" - wtf?

Smoking pipe on spacecraft. As It Should Be.

"I spent three years studying spacecraft design"

Hot girl Martian scientist: "If we increase the temperature more rapidly, the molecules will release more energy"

Lots of phallic rocket imagery too.

Bucko said...

Plan 9 is available. Wasn't that the worst film ever made?

northern git said...

thanks for that - have some more..

the last one is a bit hit and miss - its a list of tv series and movies on youtube,but a fair few of them aren't available in this country.
Searching for "full movie" on youtube get quite a few results too.

Bucko said...

Cheers Northern Git, I'll have a play with those.