
When did Cameron become Blair?

He doesn't listen to the people anymore than our previous dictator. Meet the new boss, same as the old, it's the Blair Switch Project.

Scrap rise in petrol duty: 100 MPs demand Osborne abandon planned 3p increase

More than 100 MPs have signed a motion calling for the Government to abandon the 3p rise in duty planned for January and another 5p rise scheduled for August

So the Government plans to push petrol over 140p per litre by August next year? What the hell are they thinking?

Today’s vote was triggered by a Downing Street e-petition which was signed by 100,000 voters and demanded lower taxes on petrol and diesel.

Tory MPs are being told to vote against the motion but they will face only a one-line whip, which means they won’t be disciplined if they defy the Government.
So the Government, David Cameron, wants to keep increasing tax on fuel despite the fact that 60% of the pump price already goes to the treasury and a litre is currently at £1.33.

There was another e-petition debated in Parliament not so long ago, wasn't there. The question of weather the British people get an in/out referendum on Europe.

MPs were told to vote against that one too.

The people speak, Cameron tells them to be quiet while he does things his way. Is that what democracy has become?


microdave said...

Bucko said...

Angry Exile said...

Barman said...

Michael Fowke said...

Bucko said...

alf stone said...

Bucko said...

Anonymous said...

Bucko said...