
More on the Census...

....pinched from The Waspsnest

I recently posted the questions for the 2011 census. I also pointed out potential privacy issues, as spotted by The Wasp, and an FOI request that he sent to find details of who gets access to the Census data.

The Wasp has received a wishy washy response from the ONS that doesn't answer the questions he asked.

‘APPROVED RESEARCHER’ (AR) was a new legal gateway that was created by the Statistics and Registration Services Act 2007. This was a project specific gateway that only permitted an individual to access data held by ONS for a specific statistical purpose. The AR is required to meet the published criteria for an AR. that (sic) ensured they were a ‘fit’ person to use the data and that they would use the data for a ‘fit’ purpose.
and the like.

Read the full post here.


George Speller said...

Here's an idea I've just had - if smoking was a religion it would be all but impossible to persecute us. A religion will be officially recognised if there are (how many?) reported in the 2011 census. So fill the census in like good citizens, and put your religion as "smoker"

Bucko said...

George - That poses another question. Do religions not get tax exempt status?
Would that mean that we no longer have to pay tax on tobacco?

George Speller said...

It goes further thean that - simply register a room in your house as a place for religious meetings and invite people to come and worship. Pay no council tax!
That's why Bradford has thousands of registered mosques.

I have to say I'm deadly serious about this idea. If enough people do it the buggers will be well screwed.

Bucko said...

George - Yes it is a very good idea. It's just getting the word out to enough people.