
(Belated) Friday Night Moose Music

A little late tonight, but thanks to the Soundbite lets have some Moose music.
After the day at work from hell, it's got be be back to the old skool.

Ok, a little bit closer to home. Out of the timewarp, as they say in Star Trek, initiate chroniton field:

And a cheesy one that reminds me of sunnier times. (And hot bodies)


Corrugated Soundbite said...

Right - in the absence of anything "better", I'll get stuck into me red and enjoy.

Cheers ;-)

Corrugated Soundbite said...

When I said "better", I was strictly referring to the quality of my wine. The music is going down well.

Bucko said...

As they say at TESCO, every little helps. Although they are Cunts.

Corrugated Soundbite said...

Mine is home brewed. Far worse than anything you'd find at Tesco. I regret not spreading it on toast and crunching it.

Anonymous said...

like i said " you`re sacked and do´nt give up looking after small handicapped children"great m8 and steady away?;o))
think yourself luck it´s not aldi FFS
but good puffy tunes m8
if i was internet orientiered and german i´d ask for scooter FFS
but nice all the same; Arpeggiators-Freedom of Expression was my intro to german shit;o))
and a good old german one; Whirlpool productions- crazy music & from disco to disco brill
keep spinning moose m8

Anonymous said...

sorry m8 forgot to say it was a roxy editions of you mix BUT the best
And another i´d loove too hear from then and i´ve been searching for years
" i said it before and i´ll say it again dance till the record spins REPEAT move your body REPEAT move your body
Find that m8 and the dig of whizz is on me(or beer);o)))

TheBoilingFrog said...

"The Wenger bus is coming and all the kids are runnin' From Arsenal to Manchester, He is a child..."

Wait wait that's not right words is it?