
Good Luck America!


It's not often I vote in general elections, but if I was American, I'd be voting for Donald Trump today

I don't normally vote, because the option is usually for the lesser of two evils. I refuse to vote for one party because they might be slightly less rubbish than the other one. It just validates them
Despaite what social media is telling us about the end of democracy and the collapse of western civilisation, I don't think Trump is evil. I actually quite like him. He's not a politician and he isn't in it for what he can get out
I don't agree with him on everything, but his policies align with me for the most part

I did vote in this last general, because I voted Reform. Again, they're not perfect, but they did offer a genuine alternative to the cesspit that is Labour and the Conservatives, along with a leader who is not a polititian and is not in it for what he can get out

Last time I voted in a general before that, it was for Cameron, belive it or not. I didn't see him as evil (at the time), more of a wet blanket, but at the time I could see it was necessary to finally get Labour out of office before they could do any more damage

I don't see Trump as a wet blanket, far from it, but I do see it's necessary for Americans to get get rid of the Democrats before they can do any more damage

I honestly think America might not survive four years of Harris, just like we are unlikely to survive four more years of Two Tier Kier

Trump did not manage to drain the swamp in his previous term, and as he can only do four more years following the mess that Biden leaves (if he gets in), he probably won't have the time to finish the job this time round. If America is going to have a secure future, today is the time to be looking forward and selecting Trumps sucessor
Someone similar to Trump is going to have to take charge in four years and continue the job
I suggest Elon Musk
Good luck Y'all

It has been pointed out to me that Musk cannot be president, as he wasn't born in America. Schoolboy error


The Jannie said...

Bucko said...