
Conversations you have at work

Where I work, we do a lot of packing stuff and sending it out in the post, for other people. I'm responsible for setting up the jobs. Yesterday I overheard two people talking in our office about a current job. It went a bit like this:

Person 1: "We need to despatch the orders to Sicily first"
Person 2: "Are the orders to Sicily separate from the others?"
Person 1: "I'm not sure. I don't know if it was set up that way"
Person 2: "Well if they're not, we won't have time to sort through each order and look for the Sicily ones. They will have to be despatched as they are packed"

I felt the need to interupt at this point

Me: "hang on. This job was supposed to be UK only. We're not supposed to be sending anything to Sciliy"
Person 1 and 2 at the same time with very confused and slightly sympathetic looks on their faces: "Sicily is in the UK"
Me: "No it isn't"
Person 1: "Yes it is, it's an island down south"
Person 2: "Yes, that's correct"

Now I was a little baffled. I know Sicily is an island, but it's in Italy, definately not the UK. But both these people are in senior and quite responsible positions, so for a second or two, I started to doubt myself. Is there a Sicily in the Uk that I wasn't aware of?

Me with an 'I don't believe you' tone in my voice: "Are you sure?"
Person 1: "Wow, it's not often I teach you something, Bucko"
Me: "I'm not having that. I'm going to Google it"

Can you see where this is going?

They meant the Iles of Scilly

Me: "Do you mean the Iles of Scilly?"
Person 1: "Yes, that's what I said" *Walks off*
Person 2: "See, we told you" *Puts head down and starts typing"

Sometimes. Just sometimes...


The Jannie said...

Bucko said...

Stonyground said...

Bucko said...

Stonyground said...