
Off again

We're on holiday again, so inane waffle might be sparse this week
It turned out I had five days holiday left to take, so we did the only thing we could think of and buggered off to Corfu again

We managed to get decent flights for £85 each and I'm pretty sure we're returning on the last direct flight from the island this year. It's really a bit too late to be coming here, but were only here for beer and relaxation, so WTF?

The flight was the best one ever. There can't have been more than twenty people on it, and none of them kids. We had overwing seats with the extra legroom, and it was just two of us on the row
The plane was really silent, due to hardly any people being on it, but Mrs Buckos hearing went a bit off when the pressure got to her ears. She managed to proclaim loudly to the whole plane, that we had set off late this morning because I needed a poo

We got to the airport one hour before the gate closed and still had time for a pint and a smoke, because we sailed through

We're staying in a village called Agios Markos, about ten minutes walk from the town of Ipsos. It's quite rural (for Corfu) and we got a great apartment. Kostas who we normally stay with is here until the end of November doing some building work on one of his two apartment blocks, so he let us stay in his newer, smaller one. We have a very modern, one bedroom apartment and it's the dogs

I was woken up at seven this morning by some bird or woodland creature right outside the bedroom window. It started making a load noise that was almost like a human laugh. Fifty odd other similar creatures immediately joined in and they raised a right rumpus. Then about ten seconds later, the church bells went off. Must be for Sunday services
As soon as the bells stopped, the creatures did too and everything went silent. It was as though the birds (or whatever they were) knew when the bells were due to start and wanted to sing along

It wasn't a bad way to be woken up on holiday, but I image my appreciation of it would wane if it happens every morning

Most things are closed with it being post-season here, but there's still a couple of places to eat and one bar that is predominantly used by locals, but it's a freindly place, so we've got somewhere to go for a few scoops and some conversation

We arrived yesterday afternoon and the weather was really nice. I complained to Mrs Bucko that I had brought two jackets expecting it to be chilly, but after the sun went down, it was frigging freezing, so I'm going to get some use out of them

There isn't anywhere open within acceptable walking distance for breakfast, so today we had eggs. Maybe tomorrow we'll also have eggs. We like eggs


Have a good week and I'll see y'all Monday