It's holiday time again for the Moose family, so today's blog is brought to you from the town of Zadar in Croatia
It was never supposed to be a sunny beach holiday, but the weather is taking the piss a bit. It's been coming down in buckets since half five this morning. I knew I was not going to get a tan this week, but I didn't expect to go rusty
We arrived about 22:00 local time last night and took a walk to find a place where we could have a beer and fortunately, now we're in a more civilised country, a smoke too
Unpacking waited until this morning. When you've spent the better part of a day with Ryanair, your first priority is a pint and a fag. I keep saying I'll never fly with Ryanair again, but they keep coming up as the cheaper option. I've been prepared to pay an extra thirty of forty quid to fly with Easyjet in the past, but this time, the flights were cheaper by ninety quid each, so I bit the bullet and went with Ryanair. After we got here, we decided that no matter the cost, we're not doing Ryanair again ever. Let's see if we stick to that
We made it to the car park at terminal 3 without taking a single wrong turn, which is a personal best for us. We also turned up early enough to get our bags on the plane first, so they were off first too, which was a bonus
There's no smoking area at terminal 3 after security, but we explored a little more this time and found a small cafe that sold bottled beer, in the shopping area before security, so we managed to have a few scoops where we could just nip outside for a fag. We left it as long as possible before going through security, but still managed a couple of pints airside
A bought a small e-cig for that bit. There were 'no e-cigs' signs everywhere, but we used it anyway. I think they ban e-cigs in some public places because of people like my brother in law, who carries a portable smoke machine and blows annoying, fruit flavoured clouds everywhere he goes
A young(ish) couple got on the plane next to me, so Introduced myself, told the chap I was terrified of flying and apologised in advance for anything socially unacceptable that I might do on take off and landing. The last time I flew, I pulled the hair of the girl in front of me when the plane lifted off. Fortunately she took it with good grace...
So it's day one, I've had a hot dog for breakfast, got soaked to the bone on the way back and am about to have a nap, before going out in search of a bar. A first glance, there appears to be very little to do around here, but we won't know for sure until this horrendous rain stops and we can get out and explore
See ya
We did look at it this year but dedcided to pick a country we've not visited before. Cyprus is certainly still on the list though
It's easy to use e-cigarettes surreptitiously and I have never understood the plume blowers. They are bringing about their own demise, and it's very selfish.
I hope that you both have a great time, sorry to inform you that the weather in London has been spectacular :-)
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