
There are no Snowflakes...

...They're all just batshit
In recent years, millennials have been criticised for their over-sensitivity to confrontation and unwillingness to consider controversial or opposing views.
Some universities have even introduced "safe spaces" and "cry closets", where students can retreat to get away from what has been dubbed "micro-aggression".
But speaking at a briefing ahead of the British Association for Psychopharmacology summer meeting, experts said that young people are no more emotionally brittle than older generations, they are simply “more likely to talk about anxieties and worries".
Seriously? Young people need safe spaces and cry closets because they are better at talking about their feelings? That doesn't make a lick of sense. These are people who cannot talk about or deal with their feeling in any other way than to have a mini breakdown in a safe space, because all their short lives they have been shielded from negative feelings and the realities of the world outside

They have been wrapped in cotton wool and never learned or developed any ability to deal with things they don't like

That's why we call them snowflakes, not because they are good at opening up
The "snowflake generation" of young people who lack resilience does not exist, they are just better at admitting to their feelings, mental health experts have claimed.
I think these 'Mental Health Experts' are nothing of the sort. I think they are simply troughers with their eye on a totally new gravy train, just waiting to be boarded

I remember temporarily running a pub in Ilkley about fifteen years ago, when one of the young waitresses told me she was about to start University.

I said, "What will you be doing? Psychology and sociology?"
She was. And she was astounded that I had guessed right, when I really had no idea what she was going to study and knew nothing at all about her

At the time, it was very fashionable for young girls with no career plans, to go to University and study psychology and sociology. That's why I guessed it. Every clueless girl of her age was doing the same thing

These will now be todays, 'Mental Health Expersts'. People with one or two years study and little or no actual qualifications, watching a new generation of clueless idiots with a severely retarded ability to deal with their own feelings, and thinking, kerchiiiing!

Gravy Trains are where you make them, and when a generation of half arsed sociologists intersects with a generation of worldly retarded cry babies, free taxpayers cash is only an appeal away
Research published by the University of Birmingham this month claimed an extra £1.77 billion is needed to cope with the demand on mental health services for children and young people.

They're clearly not doing this by half


Macheath said...

Bucko said...

Bucko said...