THE two race-hate thugs jailed for murdering Stephen Lawrence are to appeal against their convictions, it emerged [...]Not having been at the trial myself, I've no real idea if it was fair. Having weighed up all the evidence available to the public, chances are the trial was very unfair.
David Norris, 35, and Gary Dobson, 36, will claim that their six-week trial, which resulted in unanimous guilty verdicts, was unfair.
Their move, which will prolong the agony of Stephen’s campaigning parents Doreen and Neville, is expected to take the killers’ legal aid bill through the £1million barrier.
Gary Dobson (left) and David Norris are to appeal their convictions for the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the Court of Appeal revealed today
They probably are guilty. Probably is a far cry from 'Beyond all reasonable doubt'. Considering the farce of the original investigation, the heavily biased McPherson report and the original acquittals, probably is likely to be the best we can get.
Considering the fact they they were once found not guilty and that the subsequent publicity would deny them any kind of impartial trial, they should never have been back in court a second time.
This appeal was inevitable. But considering the publicity, I'm wondering if there is a judge out there who would order a retrial.
British Justice has taken a big enough hit over this debacle with the loss of Double Jeopardy. Questioning their right to appeal or to be granted access to legal aid to do so is not what we need right now.
In order to survive, the British justice system needs competent and thorough police investigations followed by solid convictions in court. There is no longer any chance of this happening with the Stephen Lawrence case. The most we can hope for now is show trials and unsafe convictions based on an assumption of guilt.
We can also hope for seriously illiberal changes to our justice system like the loss of double jeopardy and the proposed changes to the bail system after the murder of Jane Clough.
We are moving slowly towards a court of public opinion. Mass media and public pressure is doing serious damage to justice in our country.
Yes, they probably are guilty. In a free society, it is better that a guilty man go free than an innocent man go to prison.
(Yes I know, what if it was your kid etc, etc....)
SH- That sounds pretyy horrifying but also likely. Maybe the fact that you have been arrested and brought to trial will stack those probabilities against you. The cops would love that - always being right
But whatever public opinion says on these issues, the right of sentencing (and even deciding whether the person or persons even goes to sentencing) still resides with the elite. As they have an agenda that is little to do with us, the greater and ignorant mass, then the elite will win and the rest of us just have to put up with it.
HOLD on!
Whatever happened to "double jepordy"????
Anon - The press are very good at forming that public opinion. They moan about the cases you describe but go apeshit over stuff like this. The anti racism agenda has a lot to do with it and it certainly sells papers.
It's cases like this that are scary where the press whips the public into a frenzy and the Government change the goalposts in order to look good
FT - Double jeopardy? They scrapped it so they could bring these guys to trial again.
So that's 1-1 then. 2-1 in their favour if you count the failed private prosecution as well.
As I have said before, they probably did it, and that is nowhere near good enough to incarcerate a person for life.
I am fed up to back teeth with the cult of St Stephen of Lawrence. It seems that the media and most of the mongy British public think that the crime of murder is made worse when it is a black that gets clipped, but ask yourself if you've ever heard of Kriss Donald.
If not, why not? Why are his parents not millionaires? Why is there no monument to him, protected by 24hr CCTV? Why no schools named after him, with scholarships awarded in his name.
Perhaps it's because white kids aren't worth as much as black ones in today's race stakes?
They cut his penis off and gouged his eyes out while he was still alive, facts missing in the report below.
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